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The doctor Minhyeok and his assistant Suhyeok is talking..

Doc Minhyeok : Did you saw that girl who came with JIMIN and HOSEOK?

Suhyeok : nope! I was eating that time..

Minhyeok : ahh! you're very lazy!!!
I don't know how you joined this mafia world,,

Suhyeok : hehe leave it doc!! I'm going to eat some chips and snacks,,
(Puppy eyes) Can you please go and check that girl?

Minhyeok : ahh alright! I'm going!

Suhyeok (giggles) : thankyou doctor!!

Minhyeok ignores him and goes to check y/n..


I slowly opens my eyes and realises that I'm covered with a blanket..

Where am I?

I looks around the room

It's looking like a hospital..

I tried to get up, suddenly my stomach aches.


I removes the blanket and sees my stomach..

Now i remember everything..

That Cruel Jin hitted me with his belt..

Huh!! How can he do this with me

Stupid! Cruel ! Idiot !

But who brought me here?

Suddenly someone knocks on the door,,

The door opens and a man enters the room .

As i am half naked so I covers my body with blanket immediately..

It's looking like he is a Doctor

Oh! So you waked up? Good!! : He says.

who are you? And how i came here?? : I says

Doctor : I am doctor Minhyeok ! What's your name?

I - I am y/n : i says

Minhyeok : oh nice to meet you y/n..
Hoseok and Jimin brought you here.

I start thinking : oh! Someone is good and kind in this mafia group.. that's good.. but still i will not believe them...

But! How can they take me to a hospital? Aren't they afraid of my running away?

Minhyeok : You're not in a normal public hospital..

What?! : I says widening my eyes.

Minhyeok : Yes! We admit here mafias, who get injured during fight. Even doctors of here are also mafias

So that's means you're also a mafia? : I asks

Yes! You're right !! : He replies

That's means I'm in a hospital full of mafias!! : I thinks

Minhyeok : ok so y/n i have to check you.
Can you please umm.. can you please remove this blanket..

What?! : I says shockingly.

Minhyeok : Please Try to understand!! I have to check you and also have to check your heartbeat.

Y/n : Bu-But!! I'm half Nak---

Minhyeok (cuts me in middle) : I will not see anything. I promise. Okay?

Umm okay!!! : I Agrees

I removes my blanket,, Minhyeok turns his head in other direction and starts listening my heartbeat using stethoscope..

Minhyeok (says smiling) : Ok! Now you can cover yourself!!

Umm.. tha-thanks : i says

Minhyeok : ok! Now put this thermometer in your mouth..

I do as he says.

After few minutes,,

He takes thermometer out from my mouth..

He checks the temperature

Minhyeok : Hmm!! Your temperature is okay now!! But you have to take some rest okay?

I nods in yes.

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