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The man is not here now..

I sits on the bed

And starts thinking : I'm in hospital now. And bangtan's members are also not there..
But everyone is mafia here, but they are doctor and patients.

Patient can't do anything as they are sick

And all doctors are busy in checking the patients and doing other works..

That's mean i can run from here

I smirks

Woah!! Yes! I can run from here..

I just have to be careful.

And then, i can escape from here


I becomes very happy

I can do it!

I don't wanna go back to the cruel humans..

Yes y/n you can do it.

It's a golden opportunity, I can't let it go

I stands up.

Goes to the bathroom and opens the tap

so that they think that I am in the bathroom

I comes outside the bathroom

Opens the room's door slowly

And Peeks outside the room.

There's a big hall outside, Beautiful walls and big windows which are covered with beautiful curtains..

It's a hospital or a palace? : I thinks

I slowly starts going out of room..

I reaches in the hall..

Suddenly i hear someone's footsteps.

I hides behind the curtains..

I hear Someone is talking on the call : yes sir! She's in her room, Yes sir! I'm sure.. The sound of running water is coming from the room, maybe she is in the bathroom right now. Yes sir! Ok sir! Don't worry sir! Ok sir!

He hangs the phone and goes to another room.

Yes!! My idea worked : i thinks happily with a smirk on my face.

I peeks outside the curtains.

The hall is again empty..

I sees the Entry door..

Yes this is my chance!! : I says to myself.

I again starts walking slowly and slowly and slowly.....

Finally i reaches the door.

I can't explain how much happiness i am feeling right now!

Again i can breath in fresh air..I can go to my house,, i can meet my parents and my friends..

I opens the door..

The lights starts coming outside the door..

Finally I'm outside the hospital

Wow!! I - I can't believe my eyes..

There is a very beautiful garden.

However, I had seen this garden through the window before, but I could not see it's beauty very well due to the small window.

Is this heaven : i says to myself.

This garden is really very big, there is so many beautiful trees and beautiful bushes of different kinds of beautiful flower..

Suddenly, i sees an apple tree.

Oh! What a beautiful tree! I think Minhyeok brought me that Apple from here. : I says to myself.

Ahh! They are looking very tasty and juicy. Stupid me. Why did I throw that apple? Now i want to eat it. : I regrets.

It's okay! I'll pluck an apple for myself from here. : I giggles.

I goes to that tree.

Aishh! This tree is very tall.. : i sighs.

Maybe if I jump, I can reach these apples.

Hmm! : Thinking of this, I started jumping with my hands up so i can reach the apple..

Suddenly i feels two hands on my waist. The hands are a bit cold.

I freezes.

Who's this person: i thinks scaring.

The person picks me up, so i can pluck the apple.

I looks down at the person.

I becomes shock,,


Yoo - Yoongi?? : I becomes scared.

Yoongi : Now! Stop staring me and pluck the apple.. you're very heavy, i can't hold you for a long time.

I plucks an apple.

Yoongi : pluck an apple for me too. I'm hungry.

I plucks an apple for him.

He gets me down.

Yoongi : my apple??

I don't say anything as I'm still in shock.

I gives him the apple.

my hands are shaking..

He sits down on the ground,

He rubs the apple on his cloths to clean it..

He starts eating the apple.

I am still standing and thinking about how will I escape from here now?

He looks at me and says : Hey, why are you standing, sit down!

I sits down on the ground with him..

Yoongi (eating the apple) : hmm ! I think you're good now..

Ye - yes : I says stuttering.

Yoongi : Hmm! So, As ur fine now, i think u should go with me.

Oh ! Sorry Sorry ! Actually i forgot that I'm not fully fine now!!Doctor told me to relax : i says.

Yoongi : Oh! So you came here, in garden, for relaxing?

No! Actually ! Actually... : I don't know what to say now..

Yoongi : Oh! I think you came here for the apples, right?

Yes! Yes! You're right ! You are very intelligent.. : I says

Yoongi : yes! i know I'm smart.

Saying this he starts laughing..

I starts thinking : When I saw him for the first time, he seemed so cold.
So, why are he behaving like this now!! I can't believe he can also laugh..

I also starts laughing nervously.

Suddenly his reaction changes, his face becomes serious and scary..

He stares at me

He's looking right into my eyes.

I freezes

Yoongi ( raises his eyebrows) : do you really think i will believe your words?

Wh-what happened?? : I asks scaring.

Yoongi : i know you were trying to escape from here, didn't you?! mean no no!! What are you saying? : I says nervously.

Yoongi : You know what!! I've been keeping an eye on you from a long time.!! What you thought huh? We will leave you alone in this hospital? You already tried to escape from us!! That's why jin hyeong sent me here!!!

Wth- oh god! what kind of life you have given me!! I was wrong!! How can I forget that he's the coldest member, he can't laugh : I thinks.

Yoongi stands up, cleans his back with his hand,,

Yoongi : stand up!!

I stands up scaring.

He holds my hand,, and starts walking..

Whe-where are we going? : I asks

Yoongi : Home

Oh no! I don't wanna go there again : i thinks

But i have to go otherwise i don't know what kind of punishment they will give me..

While walking, Yoongi and I reaches a car.

I sees a man in black coat, hat and mask is sitting ON the car.

i recognises him.

This is the same man I saw through the window, isn't he? : I says to myself.

Yoongi sees him and becomes angry

Yoongi : What's your problem? And What are you doing here?

The man : You forget the deal, right?

Thoughts starts running in my head.

who is this man? And why has he come here?what deal are they talking about?

( To be continued ~ )

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