Chapter 10

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Very quickly Ruby realized this was a bar for men...only men if you understand. But it was fine since Ruby was into men...

Eren was already a bit tipsy, pulling her to the dance floor; she had no clue how to dance. He tap danced with a champagne glass in hand, tugging her with him. She tried her best to mimic him...which was horrible.

"Why are we d-ancing again?" she asked spinning, before tapping her feet, left right,
middle step,  right right, middle step, right left.

"To get attract the hotties, gannnngsaaaaat, C'monnnn!" he said, dancing faster, his steps getting sloppier. A small group of men had formed around them. Throwing money and whistling. The music started to play, thumping loudly. "Swayyourhips don't you wannna be rich?"

It was hard to hear the garbage spilling from Eren's mouth. She tried doing as he did, tap dancing, swaying hips, and moving in sync.  It was crazy.

"Eren, maybe we should go home." Ruby said, a group of short pretty boys were cheering her. Of course they were cute, but there was only one short man on her mind. Erin shook his head, losing his footing.

He forced his drink into her hands.

"Loosen up and take a swingggg you'lll feel sooooo much better!" Ruby sighed, she couldn't be such a light weight like Eren, a small sip wouldn't hurt.


"B-baby y-youuuuu know i a-aintttt here for y-youuuu!" Ruby sang rather...audaciously. Her tap dancing was sloppy so she switched to swaying like a snake and twerking what she clearly did not have...She also somehow managed to lose Eren to some tall pink haired boy that was eating his face off.

She continued dancing though, swaying her hips, doing the crazies. Some tall guy the same height as her with freckles grabbed her arm.

"You're good," he said, spinning her around, that made her dizzy. She glared at him. "What's your name bro?" he asked, letting her go. She continued dancing.

"C-call me Ruby." She slurred. He chuckled.

"That's a pretty girly name," he laughed. "Well Ruby...can I buy ya drink? Your dancing skills deserve a reward." She shrugged.

"Sureeeeeeeeeeee." He dragged her off the dance floor upstairs. This clearly wasn't the bar stand. They walked into a red room labeled Vip where a blond sat on a throne like chair. He was surrounded by all kinds of pretty people. His red  shirt was unbuttoned enough to see his toned chest. His purple eyes gleamed, looking at the freckle boy.

"Sir I found you a tall submissive you were looking for...can I leave now?" He said pushing Ruby forward. A bit closer Ruby could see his face clearly.


"Ruby?" He said shocked. What was Levi's bloodbag doing at this party? When he heard news of her how bad her coma was, he never would have guessed she'd be alive. So many emotions were going through his head. He remembered how Levi almost killed him for touching her.
And how utterly ruined Levi looked when he came to visit her lifeless body at his apartment. Yeah, he hated him but there was just something about seeing Levi so weak that annoyed him. And now that Ruby is alive, he sends her off to a bar with a bunch of thirsty vampires? The nerve of that man.

Getting up from his throne he walked over to her, waving off the freckled boy who found her.

" L-Lamb whattt aree you doingg here?" She slurred, her balance slightly swaying. He sighed, grabbing her waist to steady her.

"Is Levi with you?" He asked. Impulsively she locked her arms around his neck, rolling her eyes.

"L-Levicansuckit." She said, Lamb cracked a grin. It was comical seeing someone as composed as Ruby drunk.

"I think I should call him, you shouldn't be here on your own. There are vampires about, Ruby." He said, trying to pull away from her. She held his neck leaning closer to him.

"Forgetaaabouthim letssssss talkkk about us," she said dragging her index finger against his lip. He laughed, shaking his head. A scent like roses was coming from her. Enough to make him dizzy. He wanted her blood but he didn't need it.  She was attractive , yes, but...messing with her could get him in trouble.

Using a bit of strength he pulled her long limbs from him.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Levi would kill me." He grabbed his phone from his pocket clicking on a contact labeled Idiot. Ruby pouted slowly, stepped away into a crowd of the VIP people.

Lamb's phone dialed for a while before it picked up.

"What is it, Lamb?" Levi said curtly with much distaste lingering in his tone.

"You idiot, why the hell would go through such lengths to keep Ruby alive just to let her go to a vampire bar?" Lamb said, his voice dripping with ice. Levi clicked his tongue.

"She left with Eren...I can't control her life...if that's what she wishes then-"

"Don't give me that bull! Since when did you give a damn about what the hell other people wished? The girl you like is alive and you're just gonna let her leave?" He groaned, letting their native french tongue leave his lips.. "Damn it, l'as-tu finalement perduou.'' The line was  silent, Levi didn't say a word. Lamb chuckled. "Whatever, if you don't want her, I'll take her." He hung up the phone grinning. Boy did he love bluffing his brother. Now Tonight was going to be fun.

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