Chapter 8. Their both Crazy

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Levi scratched at his hair. He was getting ready to start a meeting with his father when he caught the smell of that scent. He could never forget how Roody's blood smelled. He was losing it. Was the boy dead? Has someone kidnapped him? Was he bleeding out somewhere, ready to die?

He was regretting everything as he rushed through the crowd of the party. He should have ordered Armin and Eren to stay by Roody's side! He didn't because...If Roody was gone, he wouldn't have to worry about becoming addicted to him.

He shouldn't have used his pheromones on the boy...

After kicking down the door to the room he wasn't sure what he was going to do next. He pinched his nose, Lamb's intoxicating pheromones were everywhere. He growled. Lamb stood over Roody's body, his neck gushing out blood.

"Lamb, what the hell are you doing?" Levi said. Lamb grinned, wiping his bloody lips.

"Awe, why does my business have anything to do with you, Brother?" He batted his eyes.

"Drop the act, we're not in front of our father." Levi grumbled, taking a step closer. "Don't make me ask again, what the hell are you doing with my blood bag?" Cracking his knuckles, Lamb scoffed, he guessed it was time to cut the act.

"You mean to tell me that you of all people made a human your blood bag? Please, even if Ruby is your new bloodbag, she crawled into my arms willingly since," He chuckled. "You obviously couldn't satisfy her."

Levi clenched his jaw.

"What do you mean by she?" Lamb glanced over his shoulder at Ruby who was shaking her head. If Levi found out she lied to him, she was going to die. Hell, he already knows her real name now. He could just look her up if he wanted to.

She noticed Lamb was way different from how he normally acted at school. His boiling anger and cold tone matched Levi's. And to top it off they were brothers? Him and Levi were nuts, fighting over her like she was a piece of meat..She needed to leave.

"Oh...poor Levi, an idiot like you didn't even know that?" Lamb closed the distance in an instant, with his vampire speed, patting Levi's shoulder. He then whispers, "She really must hate you, just give her to me. I'm sure...she'd prefer that anyways."

Blue sparks caught in the air. Levi punched Lamb using a carry of electricity. Lamb had let the tiger lose. Grinning, Lamb dogged him using his purple flames. Very quickly, the honeymoon room turned into mass destruction. They were moving so fast, Ruby couldn't even see them.

She stood up, she had to leave now while they were distracted. She jumped through the open window next to her. Glass shattered as she fell through the net. The ice cold water hit her skin harshly as she fell into a pool. Oh bloody hell, A freaking pool?

She kicked for air, swallowing salty water. She could feel the beads of water around her fingers , as she desperately swam to the edge of the pool. The darkness pulled below her, trying to keep her under. Grabbing a ladder she climbed out. She shivered, one of her shoes had come off as she ran.

Her clothes were soaked like weights tied on her. She didn't know where she was going. She just ran far from the party, but found herself in a green garden. She felt like she was trapped in a maze. The bleeding from her neck never stopped.

Her knees hit the floor with a thud. She breathed harshly, coughing out blood. Should she just die? None of her basketball friends had come looking for her...she had lost her best friend Sasha...and there was no waiting for her at her apartment.

She fell face forward in the grass.

Was she far enough away? Would Levi find her? Could some vampires from the party smell her? She bit her lip. She wished she had at least one person to come back to.

A light thump landed next to her. She rolled on her back looking at just who decided to come to her rescue.

Those dark ominous eyes looked down on her. He was covered in blood, his hair was a mess, and the expression on his face...who knows what it meant.

"W-why'd you come?" Ruby said. He picked her up in his arms, trying to ignore all the blood that was spilling from her.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

" J-just hurry up and kill me like you said you would." She spat. One of his hands tranced her neck, maybe he should just end it here...

"What will you do if I don't?" Ruby didn't respond. She laid motionless. Levi panicked. "Rood-Ruby? Ruby!"

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