Chapter 7. Pt 2

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He must have known the place well because in less than five minutes they went down a winding hallway. The guards nodded at him as they passed…He must have been someone important. 

He opened a door to one of the many rooms in the hallway.  Ruby didn't move an inch… Levi was going to kill her if he found out about this.

“Are you coming in?” he asked. She bit her lip.

“O-oh you w-want me to go in a-alone with you? I m-mean…o-okay..uh- right! Coming in.”She said, stepping past him. He chuckled. 

“Ruby, that stutter of yours, is really cute,” Lamb said, shutting the door. Ruby was starting to feel nervous. She never thought Lamb was the slightest bit interested in her…and truthfully…he was so girly looking she thought he swung the other way…

The room was red-lit like a honeymoon. There were rose petals tossed all over the floor and on the large king bed. Glasses of champagne were set on the nightstand…oh gosh...Ruby’s hands sweated. 

Is this really what she wanted?

“Do beds make you uncomfortable?” Lamb whispered. She jumped, turning around. He took off his suit jacket revealing a chest window in his shirt…he was ripped. “Eyes up here,” his slender fingers reached up caressing her chin. 

“Oh, U-uh Sorry i-i didn’t mean to um…No, i d-don’t like beds” She looked away from him. She wanted to fall off a cliff. What the hell was going on? There was a sweet smell coming from him, even at the party, that was making her head spin. 

With one hand he pushed her back into a wall. 

“It’s fine I don’t like beds either.” Her legs became weak, and like a toothpick he slid her down the wall, straddling her hips. 

“W-wait, do y-you even like me?” She asked, his eyes flashed red looking to her neck. 

“I’ve always had a thing for you, Ruby.” He said. Kissing her neck. Like deja vu, she remembered Levi, and the kisses felt damn good.

“R-really?” she asked, she couldn’t even think. Pulling off his tie, Lamb tied her arms. 

"You know, people often assume I'm shy and cute but actually," He licked a trail from her chin to her cheek. "I prefer to give orders than get them, you catch my drift?" His voice sounded dark and rustic, Ruby got herself into some deep crap…she should leave before this gets serious….but she couldn't move.  Like she was under a spell.“Do you like being tied up?” he whispered, licking her ear. The hairs on the back of her neck stood, sensations going down her back. Damn it…why was she imagining him as Levi?

"Mmhm," she groaned. Oh gosh, this had to stop. She needed to leave the party before anyone realized she was gone. Without warning, he bit her neck. She jumped, clutching his shirt. The endorphins weren't working at all."Lamb f-stop! That hurts," she said, trying to push him off of her. 

Lamb didn't know what was going on. He couldn't pull away. Like he was in a trance .He bit his tongue pulling away from her. Glaring at Ruby, he sighed. This was bad, the scent of her blood was too strong. A high-ranking vampire could easily get a whiff from her.

"You're a witch?" He said. Ruby tried to stop the blood from dripping down her neck. She wasn't a witch…

"What are you talking about?.” Yelling could be heard outside the door…She could hear Eren and Armin’s voice…The thumping in her chest sounded like drumming. She could hear his voice too.

With a bang the door was kicked in. Levi Ackerman standing behind it; and he was bloody mad. 

This was not going to be a good night for Ruby.

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