Chapter 7: Crush Season

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A/N: Sorry for this chapter...another male lead is introduced...don't worry though.
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Eren, Armin, and Ruby stood in front of a giant mansion. One of the many buildings the Ackerman’s owned, especially for parties. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. She was traumatized by the last party she went to. The many eyes of vampires piercing through her skin. The looks they gave.

She grabbed her mouth before she barfed, running to a nearby bush.

“Roody calm down! Are you okay?”Eren rushed over. Armin combed a hand through his hair.

“I feel truly sorry for you human…” Armin muttered. He’d never seen Levi so possessive over anyone. Why was he so obsessed with Roody even though he hated humans? It didn’t make sense. Normally, Levi didn’t care for his blood bags so much, he’d often let them go after he got what he wanted…but it doesn’t seem he was ever going to leave Roody alone.

Ruby whipped her mouth on her sleeve before Eren passed her a water bottle. The only people outside were guards and arriving guests. She didn’t want to be here, she wanted to go home.

“Listen Roody…I’m sorry but if you don’t stop this ridiculous fit, you’ll make Levi look bad-”

“Armin!” Eren said.

“Yes I know, but we have to tell him the truth or he’ll die this night!” He gave Eren an icy glare before turning back to the restless boy in front of them. “Levi hasn’t had an official Bloodbag in ages so many jealous vampires will try to assassinate you tonight.” He dusted some dirt off the tall boy's shoulder. “Make sure you stay near the guards at the party, don’t draw attention to yourself,  and do not leave with anyone.”

Roody looked away from him, she didn’t want to die by some jealous vampires but she didn’t want to die at Levi’s hands either. She nodded curtly. After barfing, she felt like she could do this.

Eren patted her back.

“Don’t hate Levi too much…I'm sure he’ll come around.” He said. Ruby raised an eyebrow. She was filled with red hot flames. She was supposed to not hate him after the stunt he pulled?

She nudged his hand away walking towards the grand building.

Armin was going to follow her when Eren grabbed his hand.

“How come you're acting like you like Roody…I thought you hated humans?” Eren said. Armin flicked away his hand.

“I hate you too but I haven’t cut your throat yet,” Armin said. Eren laughed.

“That’s true…Hey,” Armin tilted his head.


“You think we could have ever worked out… even if we were just friends?” Armin's face flushed a dark red. Was it anger? Or Something else?

“Stop talking nonsense, My family hates you and I do too, half breed,” Armin said, walking towards the palace. Eren shook his head. If Armin…didn’t hate humans anymore…Would he hate Eren for being half of one? He laughed. It was going to be a crazy night. “Wait for me!” he called after Armin.

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