Chapter 5: A party

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Come on human get up, I do not have time to fake politeness,” Armin said, shaking Roody.  Eren rolled his eyes at the boring site

“Armin, if you wanna wake a man up that’s not how you do it,” Eren said, picking up a pillow.  The corners of his lips turned up arching mischievously. “Now let me do the honors.” 

Ruby was buried under the covers trying to ignore them. She decided if she wasn't able to leave this place, she was going to be such a nuisance that they’d have to let her go. 

A hard force slammed on top of her head like rocks shoving her into the mattress.  Stars shined bright in the darkness of her covers. And not soon later, a force slammed again on her. What a lunatic!

“Come on gangsta, get up!” Eren yelled as he whacked from here to there. 

Ruby in defeat tried to climb out of the covers but was whacked off the bed onto the hardwood floor. Half her body still sprawled on the ledge she decided she’d just die. Right here, right now. 

“Oops,” Eren said.

Armin scratched at his forehead in annoyance. Something he often did when only Eren was around. There was something about that that made Armin want to set the world on fire. 

“Eren, Levi asked us to get this human ready for the party, not kill him! Scorches! Why did he even ask you to help of all people?” Eren threw a pillow at Armin's face.

“We're best friends, deal with it,” he said sticking out his tongue.  Flares of fire spat in the air from Armin’s head. He came to the most brilliant conclusion he could ever come up with. He was going to kill Eren. 

Pulling off his gloves, red flares began to spark from his hands, one of the most unique powers a vampire could have. “Oi! Armin…sweetie were in Levi's Royal chambers… you cannot flip a switch right now!” 

But there was no sign of Armin cooling down.

Ruby on the other hand, after twitching in agony, slid onto the floor. Sprawled out like an insect. The cold hit her skin, awakening goosebumps. Her bed hair was an absolute mess, she could tell just how nappy she had to look like right now. 

Whipping her eyes, In comes the view of the clearest picture;  the short butler choking the living daylights out of that flirt. Now was not time to laugh, especially after all the insane garbage she’s been through lately. But gosh was it a sight. Eren's face turned red as he was being shaken to death by Armin who was breathing fire. 

She couldn’t help it, she laughed.  Armin stopped his violent shaking, cheeks turning red. He let go of Eren crossing his arms.

“Don’t laugh human…" But Ruby didn't stop."Pshh…I am not always this improper.” He said, carefully putting his gloves back on. Eren struggled for air coughing horsley. 

“Jeez Armin- Kill me with kisses, not punches.” Armin scrunched his brows.

“Don’t push it, you're lucky I didn’t follow through with it,” He said, patting off any germs he may have caught from Eren. “Come on now Roody, we must get you changed for the grand party.” 

Ruby stood up against her will stumbling over to the boys. 

“What party?”  She said, Armin jumped back grabbing his nose. 

“You reek! I’ve never smelled a Human so- Oh gosh. Levi would want you washed with bleach if he smelled this-Ugh! Let's first have you be showered by the maids before we have this talk.” 

“No! I mean-uh- I-I can shower b-by myself…I'm not a dog.” Ruby said. 

“You smell like one,” Armin said, shooing her out of the room. Eren snorted following them. He was originally helping babysit this human because Levi thought the boy was a potential threat. However, He was starting to enjoy the time he was spending with him and Armin.


Ruby turned around in the mirror trying to get a full view of the outfit she was given. she wore a black suit jacket,  buttoned below her bust, a tight royal red shirt underneath it. her pants weren't as baggy as she preferred them to be but it was fine since she was grateful for just having clothes. 

actually, scratch that! she wanted to know what perv designed these jeans. they were the tightest things she’s ever worn! there was an open slit on each side of her hips where pockets should be. she looked like a royal playboy. the maids had tamed her curly hair into bouncy spirals but they also cut it way shorter than it was. she really did look like a boy…and even though she looked good.

she didn't want to look good as a meaty dinner for a bunch of ghoulish vampires! she messed up her hair a bit. was this really levi’s ideal type? tall, skinny, pretty boys? she shook her head at the thought. she didn’t want to know the answer to that question.

the door to the large dressing room creaked, armin must have come in to check if the maids made her acceptable.

“armin e-even you know how to knock-” his reflection caught in the mirror.”Levi?” gasping, Ruby turned around to face him. he was dressed, much like the day she had first met him. in the tightest black suit; his muscles bulged through the first met him. In the tightest black suit; his muscles bulged through the clothing. And gosh he was wearing those boots.

Oh boy.

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