𝖈𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖆 🥀

Start from the beginning

"I need Jungkook, please," Taehyung whispers softly, his words carrying the weight of his last bit of strength.

The scene is filled with tenderness and desperation, as Jimin tries to comfort Taehyung amidst his pain and fear.

The bond between them is palpable, but Taehyung's longing for Jungkook adds another layer of complexity to the situation, leaving Jimin torn between supporting his friend and fulfilling Taehyung's plea for Jungkook's presence.


"Jungkook, you need to relax , just stop thinking for a bit and think about what Tae is going through," Yoongi's words are a desperate plea for Jungkook to find peace amidst the turmoil that surrounds him

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"Jungkook, you need to relax , just stop thinking for a bit and think about what Tae is going through," Yoongi's words are a desperate plea for Jungkook to find peace amidst the turmoil that surrounds him.

"Stop thinking? Then you tell me to think about what Tae is going through," Jungkook's laughter is hollow, his voice tinged with bitterness and despair.

"Don't be so arrogant, man  you put the baby in there. It's your child, for God's sake," Yoongi's voice is tinged with frustration, his words a stark reminder of the consequences of Jungkook's actions.

"To hell with that child  "

"  that child can cost me my life, Tae's life, and everything I have ever worked for in this life ,  gone into ashes " Jungkook's voice is filled with anguish, his words laced with desperation.

" my new family. , we were safe. Tae and I were safe. We were extremely careful ,  How the hell did this turn out like this? I don't know ,  It's scary , i can't even look at Tae , it hurts, Yoongi I feel so useless, and it feels like memory is repeating itself , like what happened to my mother!"

"Jungkook stop!" Yoongi's voice cuts through the tension, filled with urgency.

Just then, a knock echoes , interrupting their heated exchange.

"Come in," Jungkook's voice rings out, his tone still filled with fury.

The butler enters, delivering the news. "You have visitors sir , one of which is the human  Namjoon."

"What the hell! does that bastard want right now?" Jungkook's rage escalates, his movements quick and aggressive as he storms out of his home office.

Dressed in cream sleeves rolled up to his forearms and grey slacks, Jungkook descends the stairs towards the living room, the tension in the house palpable as he prepares to confront his unexpected visitor.


Celina steps into the Jeon mansion alongside Jin and Namjoon, her senses tingling with the unmistakable presence of darkness and dark magic that permeates the air.

Memories of her past with Jungkook flood her mind, bitter reminders of a love that had turned to hate and broken promises.

Pushing aside her personal turmoil, Celina focuses on the task at hand, her attention drawn to the pureblood involved in the unfolding drama.

With a heavy heart and a sense of foreboding, she prepares to face the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that the road ahead will be fraught with danger and uncertainty.

"Too what do I owe you the pleasure?!" Jungkook's voice erupts in rage, the intensity of his emotions palpable as he descends the stairs.

His eyes, cast downward, widen in surprise, his mouth falling open in disbelief as he beholds her presence.

It feels as though his words are caught in his throat, a moment of painful memory flooding back as he whispers softly, "Celina."

"I am not here for you, Jeon," Celina's voice cuts through the air like a razor, dripping with venom and disgust.

She dares to step closer to Jungkook, her eyes locked on his with a distasteful glare, their gazes locked in a silent battle of wills.

It's as if they are sworn enemies from birth, their animosity palpable in the charged atmosphere.

"I am here to see the purest pure blood that I have set my eyes upon," she continues, her words laced with disdain.

"But I'm afraid to see him because I can only imagine what your wicked soul has placed upon him ,  filled him with your wickedness. How disgusting of you, Jeon ,  you can do better than that," she spits out, her contempt evident in every syllable.

As tension mounts and tempers flare, Yoongi interjects with a curt command to silence Namjoon, the chaos reaching a crescendo.

In the midst of the commotion, Jimin comes rushing down the stairs, his desperation evident as he pleads with Jungkook.

"Jungkook, please," Jimin gasps for breath, tears streaming down his face.

"It's been two fucking days ,  please, Tae needs you ,  please, he needs you." A hint of guilt flashes in Jungkook's eyes as he looks at Jimin, devastated by the sight of his friend's anguish.

Without a word, he makes his way up the stairs, a silent vow burning in his heart to make things right.


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