The amethyst necklace pt 2

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*previous chapter*

He took off and flew away. I waited until he was out of sight and then took off my necklace and held it tightly in my hands. Then I portaled back to my room.

What an amazing night.

*Raven's POV*

I sat on my bed laying flat on my back. I had a huge smile on my face, but that smile soon faded as reality finally hit me.

"Is what I'm doing wrong?" I thought out loud. "Should I stop? But what am I supposed to say? How do I tell him? How do I even apologize? Like Hey Beastboy! I've secretly been Raven this whole time and I've been invading your privacy and messing with your mind by pretending to be someone I'm not. Sorry!"

I shook my head.

"This is awful. What have I done?"

Suddenly I got a text. It was from Beastboy.

The number I gave him was separate from my communicator number that we all use to text and call. It was my personal phone. I never gave him that number. So he had no way of knowing that it was me.

B: Hey! I had a lot of fun tonight. Thanks for showing me around the park. The stars were so beautiful. Almost as beautiful as you... sorry that was cheesy wasn't it? Sorry. Anyways, what I was going to say... or really ask I suppose... was are you free tomorrow for a date? I know it's soon to see each other again, but I'm going to be busy for the next few days so those won't be an option. Wow. This was a long way of asking you out on another date. Anyways, I hope you had a good night!

I smiled to myself. He was so cute and awkward. I felt lucky that he was mine. I finally had him... even if he wasn't really mine. He was Rachel's. I texted back with guilt filling my gut.

R: Hey! I had a lot of fun too. Thanks for paying for dinner. But there's actually something I need to tell you...

As soon as I hit send, I instantly regretted it.

"I can't do this. I can't tell him. Not yet. Just one more date. And then I'll tell him. I promise," I told myself.

B: Oh. Ok. Well what is it?

'I need to tell you that' ...

I thought about an excuse as fast as I could. Then I continued.

R: I need to tell you that I loved the joke that you made. Even if it was corny. Anyways, yes. Tomorrow works. What would you like to do?

B: You scared me for a second. I thought you were going to reject me. My heart sunk. Great! I'm happy that tomorrow works. Maybe we can go to the pier? They have a lot of fun games and fun fair food. If you enjoy that stuff. What do you think?

R: That sounds amazing. What time?

B: Does 7pm work? Watching the sun set is always really pretty. I'd love to see it with you. If you give me your address I can pick you up?

R: Yes! 7pm works. And no need to pick me up. I can walk over. I don't live too far away. Thank you though.

B: Cool! I'll see you then. Sweet dreams!

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