Staring contest

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Raven and Beastboy were alone in the tower while the others went to the grocery. Beastboy stayed behind to finish a video game level, and Raven just wanted to meditate.

"YES! I beat the last level! I won the whole game!" Beastboy yelled.

"Beastboy! Calm down! Cant you see I'm trying to meditate?"

"Oh. Right. Sorry Raven. I'll try to be quiet."

-literally 10 seconds later-

"Raven I'm bored."

"Well maybe find something productive to do. Like clean your filthy room."

"Let's play a game together," Beastboy suggested.

"Like what?"





"Hmmm. How about an arm wrestling competition?"

Raven raised her eyebrow.



"Yah. Let's do it."

Raven and Beastboy sat down and put their arms on the table.

"I'll go easy on you Rae. I don't hurt girls."

Raven gave him a disapproving look.

"I don't need you to go easy on me. You need me to go easy on you."

"Fine. If that's what you really want I'll give it all I've got. I just don't want to embarrass you."

"Just shut up and count down Beastboy. Before I regret ever saying yes."

"Ok ok! 3...2...1 go!"

For a second Raven's arm remained upright in the middle while Beastboy strained with all of his might to push it down on the table.

Raven rolled her eyes and then slammed his arm down onto the table.

"What?! You cheated! You used magic or something!"

"It's called working out every day Beastboy. You should try it."

Beastboy crossed his arms and pouted.

"Maybe I will," he mumbled.

"So can I go back to meditation now? Or do you have another stupid game?"

"Hmmm. What about a staring contest."

"Sounds like a waste of time."

"It won't be! And it's my chance to beat you at something!"

"Fine. Let's do it then."

Beastboy pumped his fist in the air.

"Want to sit on the couch?" He asked.


They walked over to the couch and sat facing each other.

"Ok Raven. Here's the rules. Once the countdown ends, you can't blink or look away from my eyes. The first to mess up loses."


"3...2...1 go."

Beastboy and Raven looked into each other's eyes. After only a few seconds, they noticed something weird. An uncomfortable squirmy warm feeling within them. Suddenly they didn't ever want to look away. Once Raven's amethyst eyes met Garfield's emerald ones, it was destiny.

Raven noticed the weird feeling and instantly went to work trying to decipher what it meant. Beastboy smiled at her comfortingly and it became clear to her. She liked him. More than as a friend.

Beastboy on the other hand had known for a long time that he likes Raven. But this moment confirmed it and set it in stone. It was crazy to him how the simple act of staring into each other's eyes caused such a significant chemical reaction to be set off in his body.

They both felt the warm fuzzy feeling inside. Raven, being an empath, felt the connection and felt the warmth that was his love for her radiate off of him. Then she knew. He liked her too.

She smiled at him.

"What?" He asked with a warm smile.

She gently grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him into a sweet warm kiss. They both closed their eyes at the same time, ending the game, but they didn't care. Beastboy placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer. Once the kiss started to intensify, he grabbed her more firmly and pulled her onto his lap. His tongue entered her mouth and Raven couldn't stop a cute quiet moan from escaping. After a while, they needed air so they pulled apart. Beastboy began to kiss her neck ever so gently and she rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him lovingly.

"Hey Rae?"

She hummed in response.

"I think you probably know this by now, but I like you more than a friend."

"I like you too Gar," Raven responded.

Beastboy kissed her head and then wrapped his arms around her lovingly, keeping her warm and safe.

Raven yawned.

"You tired?"

"Mhm," she replied softly.

Beastboy laid back on the couch, pulling her down with him. She rested her head on his chest and yawned again. Beastboy smiled and kissed her cheek.

"You're so cute," he whispered as he began to rub circles on her back.

And within a few minutes, she was sound asleep. Garfield, who was now trapped, decided to fall asleep himself.

-20 minutes later-

"Sorry we are late. The store was packed and traffic was a nightmare," Robin said.

Unable to find the pair, he walked over to the living room to look around. That's when he looked down at the couch and saw the two cuddled up. He quietly ran over to Star, who had just walked into the room carrying groceries. Robin whispered in her ear to go quietly look at the couch and she flew over to it. She squealed as silently as possible when she saw the adorable sight in front of her.

"Cyborg! Finally our friends are together!" She whispered.

Cyborg didn't believe her so he had to come see for himself.

"Man... I don't believe it. They really are together. And they look so happy. Good for them. Robin are you going to allow this?"

"I have no choice. Once Star and I decided to get together the whole 'titans can't date each other' rule got thrown out the window. Besides, I've been expecting this for a while. Raven may or may not have told me about some feelings she had experienced once or twice."

"And you did not think to tell me Robin? I am your girlfriend!"

"It's her story to tell. Not mine,"

"Fair enough. I am just happy that they are happy. Now let us go do the putting away of the groceries as quietly as possible," Star whispered.

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