The amethyst necklace

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Hi! This is actually a suggestion that I received from a reader. I really liked the idea so I decided to write it! It's going to be a long one so I split it into two parts. Hope you're doing well! Feel free to message me any suggestions you may have! Love you all! Don't forget to drink water today!


The titans were doing some spring cleaning and organizing their rooms.

Raven opened her closet door and noticed a box on the top shelf. She levitated it down and placed it on the ground in front of her.

"I forgot that this was here," she whispered.

The box was full of magical items and artifacts from Azarath. The box was dusty and hadn't been opened in years.

Overcome by curiosity, Raven blew the dust off of the top of the box and opened it.

Inside were books, little wood carved figures, bottles of spell ingredients and jewelry. A shiny purple necklace caught her eye. Raven picked it up and ran her finger over the the circular amethyst gem.

Raven knew that she had to be careful with it. It clearly had some form of magic in it. But how bad could it be? What harm would come from trying it on just once?

Raven stood up, necklace in hand, and walked over to her mirror. She carefully placed the necklace around her neck and clasped the back. Raven got a weird feeling in her. She felt the need to close her eyes. When she opened them and looked in the mirror she gasped.

She looked like a whole different person. Her hair was black and much longer. Her eyes were blue. Her complexion was still pale, but looked much more human. The gem on her forehead was gone. Her eyes were smaller, her nose looked different and so did her mouth. She was unrecognizable.

"Ew what am I wearing?"

Raven had on a light blue dress with daisies on it. The top layer of her hair was up and there was a nicely tied thin white ribbon holding it in place. She had white high tops on. She also noticed that the necklace was now glowing.

Raven hated the outfit and hated how long her hair was too. She quickly took off the necklace. Her body felt fuzzy and her eyes closed once more. When they opened, she was back to normal. She looked down at the necklace that was now no longer glowing.

"Woah..." she whispered.

She placed the necklace back in the box and tried to shake off the weird feeling.

—later that day—

Raven sat on her bed reading. All too soon, she flipped the last page and the book was over.

Sighing, she stood up and placed the book on her bookshelf. Raven looked through all the books that she got at the library last month and realized that she already went through all of them. That meant that it was time for her to go back and return all the books to get new ones.

Leaving the tower was the last thing Raven wanted to do. Getting recognized and harassed was the worst. Especially when she was alone. But she had no choice. She really did need new books.

That's when she had an idea.

"The necklace," she said.

Raven went back to the box and retrieved the necklace. She contemplated her decision for a minute or so, but eventually decided to put it on. Just for the library. Only 30 minutes. And then she would be back at the tower and place the necklace back where it was to rest there forever.

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