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⚠️Warning! This story contains self harm and cutting. ⚠️

"Man recovery isn't easy..."

Raven sat on the floor of her bathroom staring through tears down at the cuts that she had just made. They were at the top of her arm above her elbow because her wrist was too obvious.

She wiped off the blood with toilet paper until it stopped bleeding, and then flushed it. She wiped off her beloved blade and hid it in the back of her bathroom drawer.

"I won't do it again. I promise," she told herself.

Though she had no faith in herself and knew that probably wasn't true.

She wiped her tears and looked in the mirror. She looked into her own eyes and then at her arm.

'I'm so weak. I'm so-'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

She quickly rolled down her sleeve as fast as she could.

"Baby are you ok? You've been in there a long time," her boyfriend called out.

"Yah! I'm totally fine! Just not feeling well."

Beastboy got an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Something in him was telling himself that she was lying.

"Ok. But you promise you would come to me if something were wrong?"


Raven flushed the toilet to make it sound like she was actually using the restroom. She quickly put some foundation on her nose so it wouldn't look red and then turned on the sink and washed her hands. She scrubbed the dried blood off of her hands and then opened the door.

"Hey," Garfield said with a smile.


"Want to go watch a movie?" He asked.

"That sounds nice," she responded.

-The next night-

Raven sat in her locked room. Depression hit her like a train. She curled up in a fetal position.

"I don't need to hurt myself to be happy. I don't need to hurt myself to be happy," she repeated over and over.

But it was no use. She knew what she had to do.

Raven stood up and walked to her bathroom. She opened up the drawer and reached into the back, carefully grabbing her blade. She smiled, knowing that soon her mental pain would be hushed.

She sat the razor blade on her bed and then changed into her pjs. She was wearing fuzzy shorts and a black short sleeve shirt. She sat down and rolled the sleeve onto her shoulder. She made one long cut above the short cuts she had made the day before. She closed her eyes, taking in the bliss of the moment. The world melted away and she was in her own world. She raised the blade up to her arm again and was just about to make a cut when all of a sudden...


Meanwhile in Beastboy's room

"Another sleepless night. I still can't shake off the feeling that something is wrong with Raven. Maybe I should go check. I mean, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't make sure my girlfriend is ok?" He thought out loud.

Beastboy made up his mind that he needed to go see her. He left his room and walked to hers.

He took a big deep breath and then knocked softly.

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