Chapter 16:I am a queen

Start from the beginning

"Get out Luke."

"What?" He looked up at me his eyes flashing with hurt that I told him to get out.

"You heard me, I don't want you here. Get out the pack house altogether," I pointed to the door again. He sighed and left closing it behind him.

I leaned against the dresser slowly walking towards the door. It felt like the pain was getting stronger ever step that he walked away from me. I wanted him back. I needed him back.

I got on my hands and knees and started to crawl to the stairs. I bit my lip causing blood to trail down my chin, down to my throat.

"Mia," I looked down at Paige just as my vision was starting to fade.

He was calling my name, urging me to stay awake. He was yelling at someone to find Luke. It just hurt so badly. I didn't want to stay awake anymore. I wanted to close my eyes and never wake up again.

My eyes were pulled open against my will. I was still leaning on the edge of the stairs. Paige was holding onto me while putting something cold on my forehead. I jerked in his arms. I wasn't looking for him. I wanted Luke. No, I wanted Aiden. I wanted Aiden Barnes.

"Get...get Aiden," I stuck my fingernails until his arm until I was no doubt drawing blood.

"Aiden's dead Mia," I stared at him biting my lip. We never told Paige. I assumed my dad knew, but not Paige nor Kidd.

I continued to stare at him as someone pushed open the door growling. There was some more growling but I couldn't see anyone from the position I was in.

"Get away from my mate," Luke growled. Paige immediately let go of me and backed away as Luke started to walk up the stairs.

Each slow step he made was painful like he was a million miles away, but it felt better to have him closer. I could feel him now.

"I'm...I'm sorry I told you to get out," I looked down at the floor. He wrapped his body around me while putting me on his lap.

It lessened the pain feeling the sparks trail my body while being this close to him.

"It's okay Mia, I forgive you," he kissed the top of my head.

I laid in his arms until everyone left. I laid in my blanket of love. I didn't love Luke Conway. I couldn't, there was no way. I loved Aiden Barnes. I loved his blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. I loved his laugh and the way he talked. I loved his lips, the way they curved. The way his eyes tilted. The way his light hair feathered over his forehead. The way he held me and the way he talked to me. The way he yelled at me and the way he apologized right after. I didn't want Luke Conway. I wanted Aiden Barnes.

"Mia what's wrong?" I looked up into Luke's eyes hoping I could see some of Aiden somewhere there. I only saw is eyes. His blue grey eyes.

"I just want Aiden back. I don't want Luke. I want Aiden," I winced from the pain of moving to look at him.

His eyes saddened and he looked down biting his lip. He wouldn't do anything to give me Aiden back. No one could.

"I'm sorry Mia, I want you to be happy. I want to grant you everything you wish for but I just can't. There's no way I can be Aiden anymore. Aiden and I are two different people now," he ran his hands through my hair,"I'm sorry Mia. You're my everything. I wish I could give you everything but I just can't. I would do anything for you but I just can't. I just wish-"

I put my hand over his mouth hushing him. There were tears in his eyes when he looked up at me. I've never see Aiden cry, but again, this wasn't Aiden. This was Luke.

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