forgive me... A/N

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I am sooooo pissed and sooooo sorry. My life is a little bit hectic right now. And I am working on the chapter... but I kinda have this flew called writers block. And also my laptop thought "oh well zoe doesn't need me anymore cuzz schools almost over and I'm now taking time dying" well thanks a lot!! Compac .. ugh and.. we're also moving. And I know that for a while and it just really sucks. Because I've lived almost my hole life in this town also known now as a ghost town. Wich is one of the main reasons I also like it to be gone. But my rock or rocks are here. I can't leave. But also I want to. It's all really complicated and I've cried so many times at school because of this and in the beginning it was really hard because only my mentor knew. Because I couldn't tell my friends. I still can't but I did. I was holding it up for two weeks until I spit it out. To my bestfriend. And ugh I'm crying. I just hope you guys understand. I'll update as soon as I can. I love reading too .. obviously so don't be surprised if I'm reading a lot because that's one of the things I do to out my feelings.. I don't know when I will update. But I will I promise. And my final exams are coming too. And I am just so freaking out right now. it's just all too much. I mean sure this is a ghost town with nothing but here I know everyone and everything and there is enough space for me to run around and do crazy stuff with my guy friend and no he's not gay. In case you were wondering I'm from holland and I live in this stupid hole called t'waar and it literally means where in English. And now I'm moving to this big city called Beverwijk or atleast I'm living near that city and I'm almost an hour away from other big cities like Amsterdam. And I thinks it's great and all but.. I'm also scared. I'm cutting this off for now.

I love you guys even though I don't know you. I'm going back to reading my "bawling your eyeballs" reading list. Because the stupid laptop is dying I can't watch tfios or if I stay. Or other cry movie's. And I don't have the books I'm reading wattpad. Thank you wattpad god bless wattpad.

Bye ♡ zoe.

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