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Just a few more days and then jungkook will be away from his family for good. No he's not completely moving out but he is going to college this year and he is really looking forward to it.

He is busy packing up his essentials when his mom walked in right after knocking. He looked up to see his mom in a mood he couldn't really put a name on. Maybe she wanted to say something very annoying, he thought.

"You're gonna go meet your cousin Becky today, remember?" Jungkook didn't want to meet his cousin just to show him off to college just a few days prior to him going to the same college. He hadn't seen his cousin for like 3 years when he decided to fully concentrate on his studies and stopped going to family gatherings.

Jungkook wanted to say calmly but it came off really loudly "Mom, I really don't want to bother her, besides she always looks like she's busy hanging out with her friends if you have seen her social handles". His mom furrowed her eyebrows a little and she said again "Nah don't worry, you two used to be so close together, she can ditch her friends for her cousin brother".

He knew he had no choice so he took his car keys and left after messaging his cousin that he was going to meet her.

"Y/n I really think you should come with me, pretty please" beck said showing her cute puppy face which was although really cringy for Y/n to see after a multiple times. "But he is your cousin brother,what are you so nervous about? And didn't you tell me you two had really good bonding"

Beck looked at her with somewhat funny face. She had already told Y/n the reason but she is still repeating the same excuse all over again. Yeah beck and jungkook were just like real siblings but she hadn't met him for three years and she thinks it's because jungkook did not like the fact when she came out to him three years ago. He hadn't talked to her since that day for a long time. That incident took away her courage to come out to her family members when even her favourite cousin didn't respond to her.

Yeah she is still closeted and only her friends knew about it including her college best friend Y/n. Beck liked it this way, she didn't want to bother her family by breaking their religious norms.

Just then Beck's phone chimed, she looked at her best friend with wide eyes and said"He is here Y/n, just give us company and try to show him campus, I know you are good with the juniors and he is actually not that younger than us, he had actually taken a year break before applying for college".

Y/n didn't want to see her friend this desperate and helplessness so she said yes. Although Y/n is very outgoing and friendly but still she can't just talk to her friend's cousin like he's her own brother. But whatever!

Jungkook was waiting outside the college gate. He was kind of a little worried how he'd greet his cousin after so long, he still does not remember his last talk with his cousin, the last time he met her he actually ate the imported chocolates which were actually alcoholic and he didn't remember anything about that day after all. He didn't get to say goodbye to anyone because he was sleeping all the way back home. He concluded that day that he would never touch those chocolates ever again.

Things just got messed up and he just couldn't talk to her after that day, he was embarrassed of the fact that he couldn't remember something so important his cousin told him. He just couldn't face her and ask it again. Yeah it was really stupid of him but again it was a long time ago. Maybe she didn't even remember that day and forgot everything.

He suddenly heard his name called and looked up to see two girls , well one of them was Beck and he didn't know the other one. Maybe she's one of her friends because he has seen her pictures in Beck's posted pictures.

Jungkook gave a little smile and said"Hello Beck Noona, how have you been?". Beck smiled a little which actually looked forceful but he decided to brush it off. She said "Oh jungkook you don't need to call me Noona, just call me Beck like you used to before" this time she actually smiled and jungkook also subtly nodded and proceeded to give her a little hug.

Y/n looked at their little awkward but adorable meet-up and stepped forward towards them. She waved a little at him and smiled. Jungkook looked confused but then she started, "Hi jungkook I am Y/n, beck's friend. And I am going to be your senior" she giggled a little. She actually looked nice , jungkook thought.

He nodded a little and she pulled out her hand and they both shook hands. Her hands were so soft, he wanted to hold it longer. Beck and jungkook decided to catch up a little and decided to look around the college. Y/n thought that she was not needed anymore so she decided to head out but beck stopped her. "I am going to get my car keys from the room, till then can you take jungoook to the cafeteria to eat something. I'll come back soon". With that she hurriedly left.

Later jungkook told her she was planning to drop him because his driver has come to take his car to service. They walked towards the cafeteria when jungkook suddenly stopped her.

"Can I call you Noona y/n?"

Y/n was a little shocked because that simple word sounded so beautiful coming from his mouth. Her heart started beating a little faster. She asked " why are you being so informal, huh?"
He thought he might have crossed the line but before he could say anything, she continued "of course dummy" and she smiled sweetly.

Little did she know this little gesture sparked something inside of him.

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