Chapter 24

634 21 2

May 2019

Scarlett's POV:

I drop Rose off at soccer practice and then drive to Melanie's dance studio since she has dance in 20 minutes and the drive is 10 minute away so it isn't that bad.

I get Melanie out of the car and walk her into dance, she runs to get ready while I go up to the observation box with all the other moms.

All the girls are in there getting ready, I am talking to one of the girls moms, her name is Marie and her daughters name is Chloe.

Melanie and Chloe have been getting closer as well and Marie was telling me that she is sending  Chloe to Melanie's school in first grade because the school Chloe is in she is getting bullied by other students and Marie has heard amazing reviews from the school Melanie's in.

We are watching the girls dance and one of the girls jumps and lands right in front of Melanie and Melanie trips over her foot and lands on her face.

I hear her scream out in pain and Chloe and the coach running to her, I run down and straight over to her.

"Oh my god, that's definitely broken"I say as I look at her face, she has blood all down her face and is screaming and crying constantly.

I pick her up and bounce her up and down.

"Take her to hospital we will have to let her do small pieces in the dance if she isn't well enough to dance in competition"The coach says rubbing her back I nod and walk out of the studio and buckle Melanie into the car.

I call Elizabeth and she answers after 3 rings.

"Hey baby is everything okay?"She asks obviously not hearing Melanie's screams.

"Melanie fell in dance and has broken her nose so I need you pick Rose up from soccer and come down to the hospital"I say and she tells me she is leaving now before hanging up the phone.

I arrive at the hospital and carry Melanie into the emergency room.

"Can someone help my daughter, she tripped over someone's foot in dance class and fell straight on her face, I think her nose is broken"I say and a nurse comes over to me and leads me to a private room because she knows Melanie's cries will disturb the other patients.

"I will go and get the Paediatric doctor for you"She says and scurries off to find the doctor.

A blonde woman walks into the room and frowns at Melanie's nose.

I am currently holding a tissue up to it to try and help the bleeding.

"She tripped over someone's foot in dance class and fell straight on her face"I explain briefly and she nods and walks over to us.

"I'm Dr. Robbins and what is your name?"The woman asks me while I take the tissue away from her nose.

"My name is Scarlett and this is Melanie, her other mom and little sister will be here in 10 minutes"I tell her and she nods and smile and tells the intern beside her to tell them where we are when they come.

"Okay so Melanie I need you to stay really still while I look at your nose okay?"She says and Melanie whimpers and holds onto my hand while nodding her head.

Dr. Robbins looks at her nose and sighs.

"It is broken but all we have to do is put a splint on it and let it heal its self, she should be okay I'm 3-4 weeks time"Dr. Robbins says to me and I nod my head and rub Melanie's back.

"Come back to me in 3 weeks and we will see how it looks and if it isn't healed properly we will leave her splint on for another week"She tells me and I nod my head, she gets the equipment she needs and puts the splint on Melanie's nose just as Elizabeth and Rose come in.

"Is she okay?"Elizabeth asks and I nod my head, Dr. Robbins finishes putting the splint on Melanie's nose and then puts some gauze up her nose.

"You can take the gauze out in 2 days it is just to make sure there isn't anymore blood and there will be bruising around the eyes but that is all normal"She says and I nod and thank her.

We leave the hospital and Elizabeth and Rose get into her car and me and Melanie get into my car.

We get home and I carry a very tired Melanie inside, I bring her upstairs and change her into her pyjamas and then bring her into my and Elizabeth's bed.

She falls asleep straight away and soon Elizabeth and Rose come in and Elizabeth gets changed and let's me get changed as well before we all get back into the bed and all fall asleep.

Scarlett's Daughter Book Two [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora