Chapter 7

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May 2017

Scarlett's POV:

Recently Rose has been asking to join a soccer team, she loves playing it in the backyard either by herself or with her uncles whenever they come over.

I went to one of the local clubs and got her signed up so now I have to tell her and we can go to the shop to get her all the gear she needs.

I walk out to the backyard to see Rose playing soccer and Melanie practicing her gymnastics.

"Rosie come here for a minute please!"I call out to my youngest daughter, "Yes mama?"She asks me as she runs over to me.

"I have some news for you okay?"I say and Rose nods her head waiting for me to tell her.

"I have signed you up to do soccer at the local club!"I tell her and she gasps and immediately hugs me so tight, "Thank you mama!"She shouts before running off the Melanie.

"MEL MEL MAMA SIGNED ME UP FOR SOCCER!"She shouts to her older sister making me smile at their relationship.

"Wow that's amazing, you're great at soccer Rosie"Melanie says and she hugs Rose, "Thank you Mel"She says and hugs her sister back.

"Rosie come on let's go and get all your gear from the shop, Melanie baby can you stay here with mommy while me and Rosie are gone out?"I ask Melanie and she nods her head and smiles.

I kiss her head and say goodbye before walking into the house and telling Lizzie that we we going now.

I walk out of the house with Rose and buckle her into her car seat before driving off to the shop.

We make it to the shop and I get Rose out of her car seat and we walk hand in hand to the shop, Rose picks out all of her things and I pay for everything and then we go out for lunch and head home.

Her practice starts in 2 days which is Wednesday, Melanie has gymnastics on Monday's, Thursday's and Saturday's and she recently joined dance which is on every Wednesday and Friday.

Rose's soccer is on Monday and Wednesday and she will have a match every second Saturday.


I just dropped Melanie off at dance and I am about to drop Rose off at her soccer training, I walk with her and Lizzie and she gets introduced to the team and they all start to train together.

Me and Lizzie are only allowed in because it is her first time but from then on she will just be dropped here and then collect afterwards.

She is a great soccer player and I know she will be one of the best players on the team in a few years.

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