Chapter 12

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October 2017

Scarlett's POV:

It is Halloween today and we are sitting around until we have to go to Roberts house because he is having a kids Halloween after we all go trick or treating.

Melanie is a princess and Rose is a dinosaur, I'm Melanie's prince and Elizabeth is Rose's dinosaur friend which I find very funny but I haven't said anything because it will upset Rose.

I hold Melanie and Rose's hands as we go out it the car, they both have their buckets in their hands.

I help them buckle in and then I jump into the passengers seat and wait for Elizabeth to finish locking up the house.

She drives to Roberts house and we all get out of the car and Melanie and Rose run up to the door and knock, Robert opens the door and immediately picks up the two girls.

"Look at you two, you are so beautiful Melanie and you Rose are so scary"Robert says making the girls smile widely and giggle.

We walk into the house and Melanie plays with Jeremy and Rose plays with Evans, they both have a good bond with them.

We all go trick or treating and the girls get so much candy, all the kids trade candy and Melanie and Rose bring theirs over to me and Elizabeth.

"Don't touch"The two girls demand at the same time with the same tone and the same face, we nod our heads and they run off and play with the other kids.

They soon get tired and Melanie climbs up onto my lap, she lays her head on my chest and soon falls asleep along with Rose who is on Elizabeth's lap.

I'll say it was a successful Halloween, the girls both got so much candy and we all had fun which is the good part well at least for the adults but I think the candy was the best for the kiddos.

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