Chapter 21

663 21 0

October 2018

Scarlett's POV:

Me and Elizabeth have decided to redecorate the girls rooms while they are in school, we have wanted to for a long time now and we now have that time since both girls are in school.

We drive straight to IKEA after we dropped the girls to school.

We looked around for a little bit and eventually get all the stuff we needed.

We drive back home with the delivery truck behind us as we had paid for one because we could fit it in my car.

We get home and unload all of the things into that rooms, we thank the delivery driver for helping us and then pay him.

We start with Melanie's room and start with taking the stuff out or her room and putting it out in the hallway so it isn't in the way.

"Do you want to start with her bed and then I'll start the little couch?"Lizzie suggests and I nod my head and start to build her bed.

I finish her bed and start putting some decorations in the closet while Lizzie starts with the wallpaper.

I help her with the wallpaper and we start to decorate all the little bits.

We finally finish the room and this is what it looks like.

Melanie's Room & Closet:

Melanie's Room & Closet:

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We then start on Rose's room, I build her locker while Lizzie does her bed this time, we are going for a dinosaur theme again because we both know she loves her dinosaurs.

We finish the locker and the bed and then start on the walls, we wallpaper that walls and once it is dry we decorate the walls and decorate her closet and the rest of her room, I just know she will love it.

Rose's Room & Closet:

Rose's Room & Closet:

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After a few hours we have to go and pick the girls up from school so we jumped into the shower and washed our bodies and then get changed into something more comfy and then jumped in the car and head to their school.

We see them both run out with James and Lilly, we get out of the car and walk over to them with Issac and Aly beside us so we start to talk.

"How was your day babies?"I ask my daughter and they smile widely.

"It was really fun mama, we played the alphabet game and we sang a song and then we got free time"Melanie tells me happily.

"I got to draw a picture of you, me, Mel and mommy for art and then we learned the alphabet"Rose tells me and then she shows me her picture.

"Wow baby it is amazing, isn't mommy?"I say to Lizzie and she nods her head smiling before picking up Rose.

"Absolutely amazing, it is going on the fridge"She says while tickling Rose and she bursts out giggling.

"We have a little surprise for you girls so say bye to your friends"I say and Lizzie puts Rose down and they say bye to Lilly and James.

I hold Melanie's hand after taking her backpack off her and help her into the car, Lizzie helps Rose into the car and we put their backpacks on the ground under their feet before driving home.

The girls are sitting in the back discussing the surprise making me and Lizzie laugh because they sound like they are on a conference call.

We park in the driveway and I get the girls out of the car while Lizzie takes their backpacks.

I bring them upstairs and tell them to wait where they are stood.

"Okay come to Rose's room first"I say and they both run to her room and gasp when they see it and Rose jumps up and down happily before jumping on her bed.

"It is so pretty, thank you mama and mommy"She squeals and hugs us.

We hug her back and smile.

"Now it is Melanie's turn"I say and straight away they run to her room and Melanie gasps and screams happily and goes to her little sofa and jumps onto it with a squeal.

"It is magical mommy and mama, thank you!"She shouts and runs to hug us, we hug her back and she runs to her bed.

I knew they would love them.

Scarlett's Daughter Book Two [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя