Chapter 19

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July 2018

Scarlett's POV:

Melanie has been singing non stop around the house and I love her voice, she is a great singer so I have decided to ask if she wants to go singing lessons.

I know she does gymnastics and dance but the dance and gymnastics is in the same building and the same people run both of them so it is a mixture.

"Mel come here for a second"I say to my daughter that is practicing her gymnastics in the back yard.

"Yes mama?"She says as she reaches me.

"I was thinking if you wanted to you could join singing lessons because I have noticed that you love singing so why not?"I say and her whole face lights up.

"I would love to mama!"She squeals and hugs me.

"That's great baby, we will get you signed up"I say and I smile, this girl can act, dance, do gymnastics and sing. She really is going somewhere.

1 week later

"Hello I was wondering if I could sign my daughter up for junior singing lessons?"I ask the woman at the front desk.

"Of course what's her name and age?"She asks grabbing her notebook.

"Melanie Karsten Johansson - Olsen and she is 5 years old"I say and she nods her head.

"Can you just fill in all of this and then she will be good to go, she will start at the end of August when school start again"She says and I nod and fill out all of the information needed.

I hand it back to her and hands me a piece of paper.

"This is all the information for when she starts"She says and I nod again and thank her.

"No problem have a good day"She says and I smile and hold Melanie's hand as we walk out of the building.

"I'm so excited!"Melanie says and I smile at her as I buckle her up and then get into my seat and drive home.

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