Chapter 13

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November 2017

Melanie's POV:

It is mama's birthday so I decided that I wanna wake her up with Rose but not mommy because me and Rose and big girls now.

I walk into Rose's room to see her fast asleep, I giggle when I see drool coming out of her mouth.

"Rose wake up, we need to wake up mama, it's her birthday"I say and Rose immediately sits up and smiles.

"Where's mommy?"She asks getting out of her bed, "We are big girls now we can wake both of them up"I say and Rose squeals and we both hold hands and run into mama and mommy's bedroom.

Me and Rose jump up onto mama and mommy's bed and jump up and down to wake them up.

"Happy birthday mama!"Me and Rose and mama and mommy look at us with smiles on their faces.

"Thank you baby girls"Mama says bringing me and Rose into a hug, "How come you didn't wait for mommy to come and get you?"Mommy asks me and Rose.

"We are big girls now we don't need mommy or you to wake us up"I explain and I see mama and mommy look at each other smiling.

"Well you two are big girls now aren't you"Mama says tickling me and Rose.

We both giggle and try to get away from her but she holds her tightly so we can't get away.

"Mama stop!"Me and Rose shout until she eventually stops torturing me.

Mama stands up with mommy and she lifts me and Rose up onto her hip, I smile and lay my head on her shoulder happy that she is with me.

Mama and mommy walk downstairs with me and Rose to make breakfast.

Mommy makes everyone breakfast because she makes the best breakfast.

We all eat breakfast and then mama tells us what she wants to do today which is to get her nails done and go shopping with us.

Me and Rose love the idea of shopping so we smile and nod our heads.

"Right then let's get dressed then"Mama brings me and Rose upstairs while mommy cleans up the breakfast before she follows us upstairs.

Mama changes me and Rose into a pair of leggings and a top with a hoodie on top and then some little boots, we have matching outfits but different colours and designs on our clothes.

Mama and mommy hold me and Rose's hand while we walk to the nail salon where all of us are getting our nails done.

Mama helps me and Rose onto the chair so we can get our nails done, "What colour would you like sweetie?"The woman asks me, "Pink please"I say and she nods her head and starts my nails.

Rose got green and mommy and mama got weird designs on theirs.

"Let's go shopping!"Mama cheers and me and Rose giggle at her, she holds mommy's hand and mommy holds Rose's hand and mama holds my hand while we walk.

We go shopping and mama buys lots of clothes for herself and us and mommy buys mama lots of things as well because we didn't get her any presents because we knew she would want to go shopping.

We all head home and then me and Rose fall asleep with mommy and mama on the couch watching a movie of mama's choosing.

I love my mama and mommy so much, they are the best mommy and mama ever.

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