Chapter 16

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March 2018

Scarlett's POV:

"Morning baby girl"I say when I see my now 5 year old daughter walk in with her mommy and her little sister.

"Morning mama"She says smiling, I crouch down and open my arms and she runs into them.

"Happy Birthday Mel!"I say hugging her tightly, she giggles and kisses my cheek, I kiss her cheek and then she runs over to a seat waiting for breakfast.

"Morning Rosebud"I say and she comes and hugs me and kisses me on my cheek as well.

She runs over to her sister and then Elizabeth comes over to me.

"Morning baby"She says before kissing my lips sweetly, I smile and lay my head on her chest while I wait for the pancakes to be finished.

"Mama what are you making?"Melanie asks me from the table.

"I am making pancakes so do you and Rose wanna get the Nutella, maple syrup and sugar out and put them on the table?"I ask and she nods and her and Rose get off the chairs and go to get that stuff while Elizabeth goes to grab the plates and utensils.

"What drinks do you want?"Elizabeth asks the girls.

"Orange juice mommy!"They both say and Elizabeth nods and pours them some orange juice and then makes me and her a cup of coffee.

I sit with everyone as we eat our breakfast.

"So Mel what are we gonna do today?"I ask my daughter, she thinks for a second.

"I wanna go to the doggy park with Sammy!"She says and I nod my head.

"So to the doggy park it is!"I say and Melanie squeals making me and Elizabeth giggle while Rose just eats her breakfast smiling.

"How about after breakfast you and Rose have a bath and then we get you both changed and then we go with Sammy to the doggy park?"I suggest and Elizabeth nods her head and Melanie copies her.

I bring the girls up to get ready for their bath while Elizabeth cleans up the breakfast.

I get the bath ready while Melanie and Rose sit on the floor in their pyjamas.

I get them undressed and get them into the bath.

I wash their hair and body before getting them to stand up and then wrap a towel around each of them.

I pick Melanie up and Elizabeth walks in and picks Rose up.

We bring them into our room and Elizabeth goes into their rooms and get their clothes while I dry them.

She helps me dry the girls and then we get them changed into a simple outfit, leggings, a t-shirt and a jumper, we put their socks on and then their light up trainers.

We walk downstairs after drying their hair and putting it into a pony tail.

We get Sammy and put his harness and lead on him.

Melanie holds the lead along with my because he is a husky and she is a small child.

We walk to the doggy park and let Sammy off his lead and let him run around the doggy playground with Melanie and Rose following him while me and Elizabeth stand at the gate watching them with smiles on our faces.

I can't believe my baby girl is already 5 years old, she is growing up so fast, I hate it sometimes because I don't wanna lose my little girl but she has to grow up and enjoy seeing her learn new things and for her to mature.

Scarlett's Daughter Book Two [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat