Chapter 10

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August 2017

Scarlett's POV:

I walk into my youngest daughters room with my wife by my side, it is her 3rd birthday and we have decided to have a chill day and play soccer with Rose and Melanie because we both know that Rose will love that.

I kneel down beside Rose while Elizabeth sits beside her in her toddler bed, I stroke her cheek and Elizabeth rubs her back to wake her up.

"Happy Birthday big girl"I whisper and Rose's eyes flutter open, she smile to me and then Elizabeth.

"Mama"She whispers and holds her hands out to me, I smile and lift her out of her bed and she lays her head on my shoulder.

"Do you know what we are doing today?"Elizabeth asks Rose rubbing her back to wake her up a little more and she shakes her head no.

"We are gonna chill out that whole day and watch movies of your choice and then we are all going out to play soccer after dinner"Elizabeth tells Rose and she immediately wakes up and her whole face lights up.

"You like that idea?"I ask her and she rapidly nods her head making me and Elizabeth laugh slightly.

"How about you go and wake your sister up"I say to Rose before putting her on the ground and she runs out of the room and into Melanie's room.; a u 22

"Mel, Mel wake up it's my birthday!"I hear Rose shouting from down the corridor, me and Elizabeth laugh and walk into Melanie's room.

"Happy birthday Rose!"Melanie says sitting up in her bed and rubbing her eyes to wake her up enough to actually get out of the bed.

"Hey baby, did you have a good sleep?"I ask lifting Melanie out of the bed and placing her on the ground, she nods her head and smiles.

"I wanna have waffles with lots of chocolate on them for breakfast!"Rose says smiling, I nod my head and Elizabeth picks up Rose and lifts her up to be like superman and I walk behind them holding Melanie's hand as she walks beside me.

Elizabeth makes waffles and gives them to all of us, Melanie and Rose sit and eat their waffles while talking and giggling, Rose tells Melanie what we are doing and she smiles and nods her head.

I have noticed that Melanie is so much quieter than Rose which I find odd, Melanie has always been a quiet kid but she barely talks which worries me but today is Rose's day so I'm not going to say anything.

We all go to the couch and watch some movies until it is time to play soccer, it is me and Melanie against Rose and Elizabeth, I even bought jerseys and shorts for each team.

Me and Melanie change into our set and Rose and Elizabeth change into theirs, we all go out to the backyard and start playing, Rose and Melanie are giggling and shouting at all of us making me and Elizabeth smile at the fact they are having fun.

We all play soccer until we all lay on the ground and giggle and laugh before me and Elizabeth start to tickle the two girls, I feel like my life is complete with my wife and two kids.

I feel complete.

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