Cesar must die

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My eyes open and I sit up.

I look around, noticing that was laying peacefully on the floor. I groan at the pain in my hip as I try to stand.

I pull myself up using the end of my bedframe and I huff as I try to sense that Belial was still present.

I didn't feel him. I huff in relief as I sit against the bed, my hands coming to my pregnant belly.

It was much bigger than it was when I had fallen asleep.

I gasp and stand up. I wobble towards the door, but before I could make it Ace opens the door.

"It's almost time."I say quietly.

"What do you mean?"he asks.

"My belly is getting to it's biggest, i-i'm scared were wrong about the time."I say quietly.

Ace takes a step back and then looks at my belly.

"Holy.."he says before taking off his sunglasses and squinting with his yellow reptilian eyes.

"Shit. I think you're right."he says.

"What's going to happen?"I ask.

"Okay, we can still kill Belial, all we need is a basis on how far along you are."he says.


"What is this supposed to do?"I ask as I watch as he draws on the ground with red chalk.

"I'm calling my friend, he'll know what to do."Ace says.

"How on earth will he know what to do?"I ask.

"Because he's all knowing. Step back."he says, stepping back himself.

Then, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small handful of salt.

"You have salt in your pockets?"I ask quietly.

"Shut up."he says before tossing the salt onto the symbol he drew.

The symbol instantly begins to glow and the floor bubbles and melts away. I gasp as I witness a literal face begin to rise from the ground.

The face was that of a young man, half of it looked decayed and rotting whilst the other part was intact.

"There's a face in my floor."I say.

The face in the floor begins to grumble and lets out a mean sounding groan.

"...who summoned me?"it asks.

"Hey ar-"the face cuts him off with a gasp and then a sinister chuckle.

"Is that the bride of Satan I see? Oh hello little Alice, look at you."

My throat goes dry.

"M-m-my belly-"

"Nearly 9 months now, are you?"

"That's all we needed, you can go."Ace says, making the face chuckle.

"Wait wait, don't you want to know more? Don't you want to know your future, Alice Cortez the bride of Satan and bearer of his seed? Don't you want to know more?"

"Alice don't listen to him, that's how he lures you in to take your soul."Ace says.

"My soul is already gone. Tell me more."I say softly.

This makes the face chuckle.

"You, Alice, will succeed in your mission. You'll live in bliss with your beautiful child."he says before chuckling menacingly.

"And then you will die a horrible, painful death, in front of your son."

Ace suddenly throws a fistful of salt at the face and the face screams, the house shaking as it slowly sinks back into the ground.

My hands shake and I look at ace.

"He rarely predicts the future. It was probably a lie to make you lose hope."Ace reassures me.

I nod, fighting back tears.

He walks me over to the kitchen and I take a deep breath as he begins to speak.

"Belial will come back soon. If he really has been playing around with the time for us he must have enough power to get up here."Ace says, looking around.

"I think the safest bet would be to get him into Christopher's room."

"But what if he hurts Christopher again?"I ask.

"Christopher is in a coma Alice, he's not going to wake up."Ace says.

"But he could."I say.

"But he won't."Ace states.

"Not unless Belial wants him to. He's using him for something. And obviously if he's using him for something he's not going to want to hurt him."

Alice huffs and then looks up at the stairs.

"You're probably right."I say quietly.


We go into Christopher's room and I put my hand on my moving belly as I see Christopher.

"He looks so peaceful."i say.

"I'll stand here, and when you summon him I'll take the blade and stab it through his heart."Ace says.

It hurt my heart to hear that. I knew what needed to be done but the actual thought of doing it made me sad.

"What about here?"I say, pointing to the center of the floor, turning away from him.

"Maybe that would work?"he says.

"What if I had the dagger?"i ask.

"This dagger?"

I gasp as I hear Ace grunt.

I turn around slowly, seeing Belial standing tall, looking deeply into Ace's eyes as he slowly sunk the twisted dagger deep into his chest.

I cry out as he calmly shushes Ace, pushing the blade deep into his chest.

"F-forgive me master-"Ace says before simply tossing Ace to the ground like trash.

"Forgive yourself, filth."

Belial then looks up at me and I whimper as I back against Christopher's bed.

He smiles, bearing his animal like fangs.

"Conspirators. Cesar must die! Cesar must die!"he mocks as I look over to ace, who was on the floor bleeding from his mouth and chest.

"My love." he says, bringing my attention back to him.

"Surely, you haven't turned on me as well?"he asks, slowly approaching me.

I whimper, covering my pregnant belly as I frantically shake my head.

"Perfect. You're my perfect little puppy."he says as he cups my shaking face in his hands and kisses my cheeks.

"It's time. It's time to go home."he says, his hand coming to my belly and causing me to cry.

I look over at Ace, who now was motionless and I whimper as I clench my eyes closed.

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