Hello puppy

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Warning, this part has certain themes of abuse.

I sit quietly in my bed, reading my Bible. I tried hard not to think about what happened in the basement. But the words kept wringing in my head.

"Hello puppy.....helllooo pupppyy"

I shake my head and attempt to focus more on the word of god.

Then I hear the creak of my bedroom door. My eyes slowly focus on the door. I see it begin to close by itself.

My breathing hitches as the door closes softly, then locks. I close my Bible, standing up from the bed. I walk over to my door, gripping the lock and attempting to twist it.

I grunt as I use all my strength to attempt to unlock the door. It doesn't budge.

My hands shake as I step away from the door. I hear the floor creak behind me and tears begin to brim in my eyes. I take a deep breath as I begin to slowly turn to my left.

I turn around, and I'm instantly met by the lustful gaze of a tall, malevolent looking man. He had markings, tattoos all over his body.

His eyes were black as sin, and protruding from his head. A twisted set of horns. His hands were dyed black with an ash like substance.

He stood a full 2 feet taller than I, every aspect about him was screaming..this is Satan..look what you've done.

He smiles a sinister smile, fangs like an animal.

"Hello puppy."he says.

I open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. He makes an expression as if he's going to scream but doesn't, mocking me.

Then he chuckles, taking a step closer. I take a step back, backing against the door.

"I usually don't respond to summons like this, but you, puppy, you intrigued me."he bends down to where he was eye level with me.

My breathing hitches and I feel my tears hot, running downy cheeks. His hand comes up, gripping my jaw and angling it upwards.

"Look into my eyes, puppy."he says.

I look into his eyes, shaking in fear. He chuckles, releasing my face.

"So soft, pup."he brushes his thumb down my lip.

He takes a few steps back, and I slide towards him as if I'm beging pulled.

I stop once I'm in the center of my room.

He opens his arms with a smirk.

"Well, you summoned me puppy. What do you want?"he smiles.

"W-what- do I want?"I ask, my voice only coming out in a whisper.

"You accepted the price..now that I know I have you, we'll make a deal."he says.

"Make a deal?"I whimper.

He chuckles.

"Yes darling. You get anything you want. Anything. And in return, I receive one, your sweet, pure, soul."he says.

I whimper quietly as he begins to circle around me.

"So what is it?"he asks in a seductive tone as he circles around my shaking frame.

"What is it you desire?"it feels as though his lips are right against my ear.

"I..i-i.."I mutter.

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