Chapter 21- Good Vibes

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I suddenly woke up, gasping. It was still dark. I picked up my phone to check the time. 

Four a.m.

I picked up the glass of water I had from my bedside table and drank some water.

I hadn't seen any nightmare. I just... had this sudden bad feeling and woke up. Something's gonna go wrong, I just feel it. 

I tried to go sleep but instead just shifted restlessly, throwing the covers here and there for about an hour. After that, I just decided to check my messages. I hadn't checked them yesterday. 

"2 missed calls from Oliver, three missed calls from Lucy," I read out aloud.

Why did they call me? 

I instantly went to group chat.

Oliver and Lucy were making plans to hang out, but Nathan and I never replied. 

And then they both tried to contact me, but I was busy in my own world. I felt bad. I've been leaving them hanging for so long. I've been a terrible friend lately.

"I'll hang out with them today." I sent a message in the group chat, apologizing and saying that I'll be coming to hang out with them.

I then got my headphones, and listened to some soothing songs to help me sleep. 

I woke up later at nine a.m. , feeling amazing. 

I opened Spotify.

"Hey, Alexa," I said, tying my hair into a ponytail "play Lush Life!"

"Now playing Lush Life by Zara Larsson."

I brushed my teeth and danced to the beat. 

I took a shower, with cold water. It woke me up, and made me feel fresh.

I felt amazing. Instead of telling Alexa to play every individual song, I just played my playlist, while I made breakfast. Scrambled eggs and bacon.

*BrooklyBloodPop by Syko*

I honestly felt like such a badass while listening to this song 

*Problems by Mother Mother*

I sang the lyrics of this song so loud, I was scared the neighbors might complain.

*Helpless by Philipa Soo*

I sang along passionately, trying to dance as gracefully to the song as I could. [It didn't turn out too graceful]

I checked group chat

                                                                   The Dorks  >:]


Glad you can make it! Meet us at four, at the café, okay?




Do you know where Nathan is, though?


I haven't heard from him either


He's acting weird. He barely talks in school


Hmm... we'll get to the bottom of it. For now, I gotta go. See ya! :]


See ya! 

After having an epic morning, and a peaceful afternoon, I thought that the day might not be so bad after all. I watched a movie, and eventually fell asleep. I woke up, and it was four fifteen, and there was a message on my phone sent by Nathan.

"Hey, can you meet me at the treehouse as soon as possible?" it said.

*AN* Sorry for the short chapter, it's just a filler. Thanks to everyone who's reading this, it means the world to me. I'll try to update soon! Until then, take care! STAY HYDRATED AND EAT SOMETHING


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