Chapter 21: Gravity Made Me Do It

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Ryder and Will ended up tying in the number of games won, and since they bet on the loser having to buy the winner pizza, they decided to just buy pizza for all of us, and we munched down on it as the noises of whooping and cheering from other lanes surrounded us. Somehow, although the bread was bland and the pepperoni somewhat stale; just being with everyone, talking, joking, and laughing amongst ourselves, it tasted like the best pizza I'd ever had.

Will and Ryder insisted on one more game, so Olivia and I hauled ourselves to our feet, our bowling shoes squeaking on the pine floor, Danny trailing behind us. Once it was Olivia's turn and she bowled, sending her small pink bowling ball tumbling down the alley to strike 6 pins, the distinct opening chords of Don't Stop Believin' played over the speakers, and Olivia's eyes were wide as she turned back to us, her hand over her heart as she began to sing loud.

Just a small-town girl

Livin' in a lonely world

She took the midnight train going anywhere

Ryder immediately joined in, swinging his bowling ball around wildly to the rhythm as he went next, his voice loud and off-key over Olivia's.

Just a city boy

Born and raised in South Detroit

He took the midnight train going anywhere

Danny and I exchanged a grin and joined in, and somewhere along the way Will did too, until we were all singing, loud enough to get some looks from the next lane down, but for once, I don't care that people are looking. I don't even care how weird it must look as Olivia grabbed me, sending us into a dance, spinning us around and around, making us laugh until we were completely dizzy and out of breath. The smell of pizza and pinewood floor filling my nose, our voices filling the air; the sound of the electric guitar and a familiar, old song — everything about the moment was just right.

Once the song died down and we all caught our breath, I went over to the table, where Will was sitting, awaiting his next turn.

I sat down next to him, and although I was sure it was just from the sudden impromptu breakout into song and dance, I felt my heart rate quickening as he looked my way.

"I had something I was meaning to ask you," I said, making my voice just loud enough to be heard over the noise, but not loud enough for the others to hear.

"What is it?" Will asked as Ryder bowled, his ball knocking his pins down with a thunderous clatter.

"You said you got Ethan to back down," I said hesitantly, trying to choose my words carefully so as not to come across the wrong way. "So...are you guys still..." No matter how I tried to formulate the words, one of them seemed right to say, but thankfully, Will finished my sentence for me.

"Friends? No," he said abruptly. "And, in all honesty, we haven't been friends ever since the lab incident."

"I thought you two were close."

"We were before. But now we are definitely not on speaking terms, which I pretty much saw coming anyway. I've been officially cast out. You would think there would at least be a ceremony or something." He gave me a half-smile at that, as if trying to lighten the mood, before getting up from the table and heading over to the lane, Ryder calling for him to bowl next.

I stayed at the table, shock beginning to wash through me. I've been officially cast out. So even Ethan's other friends refused to speak to him? Even after all the years they'd known him? And Will knew that would happen?

I stood up, walking over to Will as he finished his round, and he stopped abruptly in front of me.

"Why," I said, raising my voice over the music, my heart pounding in my ears louder than ever now, "why did you sacrifice your long-term friendship with Ethan like that?"

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