Chapter 20: Will Hawthorne, CIA Agent-In-Training

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The next morning dragged on, slow and sluggish, the promised heat of the summer coming early and hanging in the air as I sat through class

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The next morning dragged on, slow and sluggish, the promised heat of the summer coming early and hanging in the air as I sat through class. I could hardly concentrate on anything anyone was saying — the whiteboard, textbooks, and lessons were all a hazy blur. My mind had several things on rotation: Ethan, our stolen song, the battle of the bands, the third round, Jackie, Ethan, our stolen song, over and over and over again. By the time the last period let out for the day, my mind felt like a broken record, skipping around to the same tracks indefinitely.

Will was noticeably absent that day. I didn't even see him in chem, where he usually sat behind me. Ethan, of course, was there, shooting dirty looks my way as I pointed ignored him, sitting as far away from him as possible, wishing with all my might that he would light himself on fire this time. Somehow, Will's missing presence only sharpened the hollow feeling that still plagued me from yesterday after Jackie left the cafe, but once I got out of school for the day, I got a text from him.

Wednesday, 3:30pm

Will: Have a surprise for you, Sunshine.

I stared at the screen, wondering what on earth that meant, but Will started typing again.

Will: Come over to the garage after your shift. I'll pick you up.

Will: And don't say you don't like surprises. Trust me, you'll like this one.

I thought about it for a few seconds, then started typing my answer.

Violet: Is this some sort of trick?

Will: When have I ever tricked you, Sunshine?

Will: No tricks, no pranks, no jokes. Money back guaranteed.

Violet: See, that's exactly why I ask.

Will: No but seriously.

Will: Please come.

Will: :)

Will: :)

Will: :)

Will: :)

Violet: Stop that.

Will: Only if you say you'll come.

Will: Ryder, Olivia, and Danny will be there too.

Will: :)

Will: :)

Violet: I'm muting you.

Violet: See you at 7.

☼ ☼ ☼

My shift at La Promenade almost felt longer than the school day, with Will's mystery 'surprise' in the back of my mind and Jackie's absence making the hollow pang in my chest worse. I saw Will pull up just before seven o'clock, and once I said goodbye to James and locked up, I clambered into the passenger seat of Will's truck.

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