Maybe I Don't Quite Know What To Say

Start from the beginning

Laughs and mutters escape from next to me as the movie progresses, and I can't help but feel curious as to what they're talking about. My miserable self begs to join them, and I fight the urge to drag Hogan out of the theater just to have him next to me. Honestly, I feel pathetic for thinking those things, though I really want nothing more right now but to have him alone. I'm definitely just over reacting since I've been with Hogan nonstop these past few weeks. I just need to calm myself down and burn every bit of whatever jealousy I'm feeling.

My body jolts with anticipation as I feel Hogan's hand move from my grip. However, he only takes his fingers off completely from mine and pats my thighs with his hand. My eyes furrow from confusion as my gaze falls to follow his hand. He takes his phone out of his pocket without taking his interest off of Bre and opens it, seemingly to show something to her.

I sigh at how ridiculous I've been acting and sulk in my seat, not bothering to engage in the small talk Collier keeps throwing my way.


My salted popcorn had already been empty once the movie hit its fifty-minute mark. I'm bored in my seat, and even though my eyes have been stuck on the screen the whole time, I can't bring myself to be interested at all.

Hogan glanced at me three or four times, and every time he did, I just smiled back at him. It seems useless to even try to bring myself to care about this double date that they engaged us on, and my body falls from just wanting to sleep it all off.

I set my empty popcorn box next to my seat and begin to settle in, closing my eyes and blocking out the sounds around me.

My nap was short, but it was still sweet as I was woken up with the feeling of a hand running up my thigh, gently caressing my leg. My dick immediately perks up in interest from the touch of his temptation as a smile slips from my lips. His hand then starts to trail closer and closer to my bulge, creating a chill of lust that thrills through me as he palms my hard dick.

His hand then continues to move through the fabric, letting out my cock and stroking it with a gentle pace that makes my mind lose its sanity.

A silent moan escapes from my throat and my hand begs to follow wherever the touch leads. I try to hold his hand firmer to press my throbbing dick and my jerks back from the pleasure I'm feeling. His hand feels bigger from under my palm, and it's more veiny than it usually is. I try to slightly open my eyes to peek at him, but when my body regains consciousness again, a bolt of unsettlement hits me as I see Collier smirking, keeping his gaze on my dick.

"What the fuck-" I curse instinctively, putting my dick back in my pants and buttoning it up. I feel Collier's hand swiftly move away from me as he goes back to acting normal again.

Hogan immediately turns to me with confused eyes, and I try to glance again at Collier to check if I was just hallucinating, though I doubt I was because a smug look is now crossing his face.

"What's wrong?" Hogan asks.

A line of irritation and panic sweeps through me, and my heart pounds to tell him what just happened. My mouth stutters from saying the words, and my hands sweat from nervousness. I should just tell him about Collier's action. However, I still somehow can't say it through words. Heavy breaths rain from my lungs, and I bite my bottom lip, trying to hold off a cry while hoping to myself that I won't freak out.

Hogan looks at me annoyingly, which makes me feel weaker, and he turns his attention back to Bre when I still can't let go of my words.

My heart filled with panic as every second of the movie went by, and my body couldn't stop itself from shaking from what had just happened.

I feel like I'm going crazy. My mind feels like it's going to burst from the tension around me and my heart breaks from how much I can't handle being there anymore. So I quickly move myself away from my seat and walk towards the bathroom. I try to take a subtle glance back to look at Hogan, wishing he would follow me, though he didn't. I was hoping I could calm myself more and talk to him once we were away from Bre and Collier, yet he didn't even bother to look my way.

I immediately shut the door once I'm inside the bathroom, and I quickly make my way to the sink to control my feelings. My lungs are constricted from anxiety, and my mind is on fire from how messed up I'm feeling.

I honestly should just get myself together. It shouldn't even be that big of a deal. I've been too sensitive about many things already, and I hate how I can't even tell him how much that simple move ruined me. I hate how I acted a while back because it is, honestly, so fucking pathetic. I'm done feeling like a wreck anymore, and now that I am with Hogan, I don't want him to ever think I can't change back to who I was before. I want to be the fun, happy, and normal guy I was back then. Not the broken, depressed, sad guy that I am now.

I try to take a deep breath in front of the mirrored sink to calm myself down as I forcefully erase the memory of Collier's hand running across my thighs. I hate how it links to a memory I've been trying to forget for years. A memory that has scarred me since I was a kid. I feel drenched in humiliation again, like I was just brought back from every second of that certain memory.

I splash a handful of water on my face to at least settle my nerves as I wait a minute before leaving the bathroom again. I've probably been sulking for too long because the movie finally ends with the credits showing on the screen when I got out. The audience starts leaving the theater, and the sounds of people chattering fill the air. I spot Hogan, Bre, and Collier standing near the far edge of the cinema as I make my way towards them. Hogan immediately pulls me next to him with his hand around my waist, which instantly lightened my mood as they continue to chat.

"So.....have you guys decided if you want to come to the party?" Bre asks.

My brows furrow with confusion as to what she is talking about, and I try to glance at Hogan to take a silent hint. He smiles at her without even looking at me as he finally replies. "Yeah, of course. What time do we have to go again?" He says.

"Preferably five, but we'll wait for you guys at whatever time. We'll just see you there." Bre closes as she leans herself closer to Collier and waves both of us goodbye.

Hogan's widely grinning as my gaze lands on him again. He appears ecstatic, and I can't bear to feel the same way based on how this date turns out. He probably also had a better night than me. However, I didn't bother to bring that up.

We just follow both Bre and Collier out until we finally separate at the exit. My lungs sigh in relief for not having to deal with them for the rest of the night, and my fingers intertwine themselves with Hogan's again, holding them as we walk our way back to his house.

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