Chapter 6

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A/N! This chapter and the next fee may be a bit anti-Amourshipping, so please leave if you don't like that. Anyone who complains can and will be muted from me, and have there comments deleted. Thanks!

Gary hadn't seen Ash or Ashley all day today... He was kind of worried. They would always text Gary, saying if they were sick or anything.

As soon as Gary stepped foot into the house, he got a call. It was Ash...

"Yeah, Ashy? Why weren't you at school today?" He asked.

"He wasn't!?" Ms. Ketchum gasped, frantically.

"D-did something happen?" Gary asked, worriedly.

"He forgot his phone, and no one's seen him anywhere!" She cried.

Gary's eyes widened. "I'll make some calls," He hung up immediately. He dialed in a number on his phone. One he didn't think he ever call.

"Who is this? It said it's a blocked number..." Misty asked.

"Where's Ash!?" Gary demanded.

"Gary!?" Misty gasped. She sighed. "Well, you want to know?"

"Of course I do! He could be kidnapped for all I know!" Gary spat out.

"My friend Serena kidnapped him. Saying she didn't like how close you were to him. She said that she'd known him since third grade, and has had a crush on him. I'll text you the address."

"Really? You're not going to demand I get back with you or something?" Gary asked, stunned.

"Ew!" Misty shuttered, on the other end. "It's just I don't want anyone getting killed. I'm fine with a bit of teasing, but I didn't think it would get to this!"

Gary sighed. "Right. Just send me the address."

Misty hung up, and Gary was skeptical. No way she would-


Misty had sent the address. Well, guess there's a first time for everything.

"Gramps! I'm going out with my friends!" Gary called out.

"Don't get into any fights!" Professor Oak called back.

Gary grabbed something and shoved it into his backpack, muttering words that were unable to be understood.

He rushed out, looking for the street name and pulling out Google Maps. He soon reached a house, seeming slightly fancy.

Furthermore, he noticed a tool shed in the front, and there seemed to be some shouting from there.

Gary got a hold of the doorknob, surprised when it was unlocked. He opened it up, to see Ash chained up.

"Gary!?" Ash gasped.

Gary bent down to him, trying to open up the chains. "Are you ok? I brought extra clothes if you need them."

Ash blushed. Ever since Gary found out, he would always have a spare change of clothes in case Ash didn't have any on him.

"Y-you shouldn't be here," He shook his head. "She'll hurt you."

Gary fumbled with the chains. And finally unlocked them. "Come on. Let's go-"


Ash watched in horror, as Gary fell to the ground, sneering profanity. Someone had shot Gary in his thigh.

Ash looked up, to see Serena with a glossy look on her face. She dropped the gun. "Oh, what did he do, Ashy?"

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