Chapter 8

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Ash had been in a coma for about a week, and it was the most miserable week of Gary's life. They hadn't let him leave the hospital, worried that he might fall on his leg. He simply said that he could use crutches, but they denied it. So Gary just heard about Ash from Dawn and his grandpa.

Gary was playing a video game on his phone, when Dawn ran into the room. "Gary! Ash woke up!"

"W-what!?" Gary gasped.

She nodded, energetically. "The doctors need to examine him, but they said afterwards you can video chat with him!"

Gary stretched his arms into the air, cheering. "Finally! I've missed that pretty face!"


Gary answered his phone, as soon as Ash had called. "Wassup, pretty face?"

Ash blushed immediately. "Excuse me? I woke up from a week-long coma, and that's what you have to say to me?"

"What? It's true!" Gary winked.

Ash giggled. "Anyway, how's your leg? You seemed pretty upset when you got shot."

"Oh, that? Eh. It's ok. Not hurting unless pressure's put onto it. It just stung a lot when I got shot. Oh, and you know. Blood loss," Gary shrugged. "Too bad they won't let me leave the hospital."

"Yeah, same," Ash sighed. "Hopefully one day!"

"No!" Gary cried. "You're staying here for twenty years! And then we'll consider letting you out!"

Ash snickered. "Yeah, that's what they're like."


Eventually, the hospital finally let the two go.

The two boys, and Dawn, had decided to have a sleepover to celebrate. At Gary's house, so he didn't have to go all the way to one of there's in a cast.

"Ah, greetings!" Professor Oak greeted.

"Wassup pretty face!" Gary called from the living room.

"Oh my gosh, Gary!" Ash shrieked.

Dawn giggled in the background.

Professor Oak led them in, and Ash plopped down next to Gary, snuggling against his side.

"Who's affectionate today?" Gary snickered.


"Correct," Gary nodded.

"What're you even watching?" Ash asked, eying the TV.

"The news report of us. We're famous, pretty face!" Gary cheered, as Ash grew flustered.

"Hey! There I am!" Dawn cried, as the news reporter talked to her on the TV.

"How did you know what was going on?" The news reporter asked.

"My friend Gary called me, but when I answered I was muted. I listened, as Ash yelled about what had happened and gave me the address," Dawn responded. "I hope they're ok..."

In the back, Ash was being wheeled into the ambulance, unconscious.

"Smart," Gary nodded, surprised at his boyfriend's quick thinking.

Ash covered his eyes, burying his head into Gary's sleeve. "Disgusting."

"Aww, does pretty face not like gore?" Ash looked up at Gary, irritated.

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