Chapter 5

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Ashley squatted down, pulling out a bed that was attached to his.

"Oh, where's Ash? I saw her earlier today..." Gary asked.

Dawn glanced at Ashley, who gulped nervously. "The thing is..." Ashley revealed. "I'm... Ash."

Gary burst into laughter. "Nice prank! No, seriously. Where is he?"

Dawn sighed. "I know it's hard to believe. But Ash and Ashley are the. Same. Person."

Gary blinked at them. "Wait, you guys are serious?"

"Yes!" The two yelled in sync.

"How..?" Gary asked.

Ashley sighed. "I'm genderfluid. It's embarrassing to admit, and most people don't take it very well..."

(A/N real quick. I am so, so sorry if I'm offending anyone here! I never meant too. I myself am not genderfluid, and don't know how they act. I assume they each have their own ways to deal with it, but I am so sorry for anything I may have caused! Please don't hate me! 🙏)

Gary sighed of relief. "Thank goodness!" He cried.

The two looked at him, like he had just slapped them.

Gary changed his posture as soon as he saw their faces. "I mean- Not- I don't know what you're thinking, but that's not what I mean," Gary took a deep breathe. "It's just... I kinda had a crush on both you... And Ash..." He looked away, flustered.

"Y-you like me..?" Ashley muttered.

Gary nodded slightly.

Dawn giggled, before pushing the two together. The two gasped, before accidentally kissing.

"Yes!" Dawn cheered. "The ship has sailed! Kenny owes me so much money!"

Gary and Ashley stared at her. "You bet on us!?"

Dawn giggled, innocently.


After that, Gary and Ash started dating. Gary didn't care at all whether he was with Ash or Ashley, and helped keep it a secret. If anyone asked why he acted lovingly towards both of them, he ignored them, keeping many in the mist.

Gary was walking to lunch, when he heard someone yell behind him. "Gary!"

Ash clung to Gary's forearm. "Hey! What happened?"

"I'm playing the lead role in my next performance for drama!" Ash squealed. "And the character is genderfluid, so I fit it perfectly!

"Great!" Gary smiled.

They headed into the lunchroom, and Dawn soon joined them at a table. "Ash! I can't wait to practice!"

"What part did you get?" Gary asked.

"I got the role of the best friend who knocks out the homophobes!" Dawn giggled.

"Wow. I feel like you would do that is real life," Gary snickered.

"I would!" Dawn nodded.

"Right..." Ash laughed.

Hands slammed on the table, next to Dawn. She shivered, as Misty looked directly as Gary. "Gary! Tell me what's going on!" She hissed.

"What?" Gary looked at her as if she were insane. Well, he's not wrong.

"How are you dating twins!?" She smirked.

Gary shook his head. "I'm not."

"Yeah, he isn't," Ash shrugged. "You must be delusional, since you miss him so much."

"Why you little-!" Misty's fingernails dug into the table, leaving marks. "You'll regret of this!"

"Try me," Ash eyed her.

"How are you not even slightly shocked? I just said that he's cheating on you!" Misty shrieked.

"And it's a lie," Ash smiled. "Now go away," He snapped his fingers.

"You can't just tell me-"

Dawn snapped her fingers right next to Misty's ear. "Why isn't she going away?"

"I-" Misty started.

Gary snapped his fingers. "Shoo."

"Argh!" Misty cried. She eyed Ash. "You'll regret this, Ketchum!" She spat on him.

"Disgusting freak," The three amigos said in sync.

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