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There is a perfect word to describe this wedding Tonye brought me to - SPLENDOUR. I honestly needed some glitter and sparkle to distract me from the EFCC fiasco that happened yesterday.

So, Tonye picked me up from the wolves' den and drove me home. I should have slept in all weekend and thought about my life. Instead, I offered to come to the wedding with him. I needed a change of environment to get my wits back together, and he wanted my company. It was a win-win for all. I told mom I had a wedding with Susan and met Tonye up at the airport. We took the 9am flight out of Lagos and arrived in time to hear the marriage sermon. Honestly, I did not hear one thing the pastor said. I was checking out dresses, the bold, the beautiful and the scandalous. Funny how no one preaches decency at high-class weddings. Even the pious are not immune to splendour. We are all dazzled by it.

We are at the reception now and its even more glamourous. You don't see such magnificence often, except you are a member of the timber & calibre of society, or their priviledged plus ones.

Looking around, I spot some top artistes in Nollywood and the music industry. I begin playing a game with myself of how many faces I can recognize in a minute. And then, I spot Kizz Daniel.

"Oh my God!" I gasp. I love that guy. I love that he is in his own niche doing his own thing and still creating good music, plus he is super fine.

"What is it?" Tonye asks looking concerned.

"Kizz Daniel!" I cheese. "Look at him."

Tonye looks in the direction I had pointed to, then back at me. He shakes his amusedly but smiles warmly. "You want to say hi?"

I look at my favourite artiste. He is surrounded by about five ladies vying for his attention. "Nah, maybe later." I reply. I know Tonye can him to give me more attention by introducing me, but what was the point if id just be forgotten two seconds later. I think celebrities are meant to be idolized from afar.

"So why are you not one of the groomsmen? Aren't you close with your cousin?" I ask Tonye as I pop a small ball of puff puff into my mouth.

He smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "I like to stay in the shadows."

"Hmmn... shadow walker" I hum. "If I had your kind of money, I'd probably be in magazine covers everyday. How do you stay so....unaffected?"

I had wanted to say humble, but then it struck me that Tonye was anything but humble. He is the kind that walked with his chest puffed out in controlled haughtiness, yet somehow knew how to be inconspicuous.

He opens his mouth to say something but loud music from one the speakers closest to us drowns out his words. God, Nigerian parties are so noisy. If the music is not destroying your eardrums, the party is not grooving.

Thankfully, the MC ceases the moment to take control of the mic and introduce the bridal train who will then usher in the bride. They come in dancing in pairs - bridesmaid to groomsman. Each pair tries to outdo the previous one as the crowd cheers them on. It is quite entertaining to watch and I move my shoulders along with the beat. But I lose my cool completely when Kizz Daniel steps up the stage up and begins performing his song 'buga'. I take my ass off my seat and wiggle away, making sure to raise my hands for the perfect buga while my silver-stiletto-clad feet move in coordinated rhythm. Tonye sits there just watching... scratch that.... ogling me up. But I don't care. It feels good to be watched. Even though Kizz Daniel is my favourite artist, I know I am performing this dance for Tonye.

I retake my seat when the bride and groom began dancing in. Of course, no one wants to outdo the couple at their own wedding.

Tonye quirks an eyebrow at me. "You sure know how to hold my attention. I'm not even interested in the couple now".

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