Bab 5

76 3 1

Setelah hampir dua minggu berada dalam koma, akhirnya tubuh itu tidak kaku lagi.

"Ibu" perkataan pertama yang muncul daripada mulut Miqayla.

"ye ni ibu. Kejap ibu panggil doktor"

Beberapa saat kemudian, muncullah seorang doktor perempuan berkaca mata. Dia merawat Miqayla buat seketika

"boleh saya berjumpa dengan ahli keluarga dia?"

"saya. saya ibu dia"

"okey mari ikut saya puan"

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS. HOW CAN YOU LET THIS HAPPEN" lantang suara nyaring itu bersuara

"I'm sorry Ms. Ferry. The patient's brain is severely damaged. The most importantly, her heart stopped beating for several minutes before this and thats preventing blood from flowing to her brain" jawab doktor itu

"I don't care what the cause is. You should be able to take care of this shit"

"Aunty, stop. Doctor can we please have a moment to talk in private" kata satu suara garau

Doktor itu mengganguk dan terus berlalu

"Aunty you can't do this. You need to be glad because Miqayla still alive. I'm sure she will be alright one day. Maybe this could be a good time to restart back"

"restart?" lama dia berfikir sebelum matanya menatap empunya suara itu

"boleh Is tolong aunty?"

"tolong apa aunty?" tanya Ray Iskandar

Senyuman sinis kembali terlakar di bibir

-If one window close,run to the next window or break down a door-

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