A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 16

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure? For your sake I hope you thought about this very hard."

"School's just not the most important thing to me right now."

"I understand. Let's unenroll you in these classes," she smiled her grandmotherly smile. I smiled back. I knew this is what I wanted, but it felt weird thinking I'm not going to graduate with my friends. College was my life for the past 3 and a half years. It's weird that it's not anymore.

I knew I would have to hold off on telling Sidney about this. I knew he would blame himself, and he doesn't need more stress.


I stepped out of the plane into Halifax Stanfield International Airport. The view from the plane took my breath away. I was never much for the beach but snowy coastlines on the water blow me away. We walked through the small, non busy airport to luggage claim. We grabbed our bags and walked out to the waiting SUV. I smiled at Sidney's parents when we finally saw them. Trina hugged me while Sidney and Troy put the bags in the trunk. Sidney hugged both his parents and we left.

"It's been a while," Troy commented. We all laughed.

"Ya that whole ten days away from you guys was killing me," Sidney pouted.

"Cole Harbor will be happy to have you back," Trina said.

Sidney laughed, "I doubt that. They want me in Consol practicing for San Jose tomorrow."

"I'm sure they're more worried that your ok Sidney," I glared at him.

Trina and Troy laughed, "You tell him."

Everyone was relatively quiet except when they were pointing out some of the more important parts of the city to me. It was a short ride, only about half an hour before Sidney pointed out his parents house. It was a pretty house, tan with dark green shutters fairly normal for the area. Not to big, but the right size for four people. We kept driving before we came to a stop in front of a large gray house. It was bigger than most of the houses around her but not so flashy that it looks like the owner was throwing around his money. Troy and Trina waved to us as we carried our bags into the house. I looked around. The house was very nice and opened. Unsurprisingly, it was a lot like the house in Pittsburgh, Sidney of course hated things to change to much. We carried our clothes to the bedroom. I had brought enough stuff for a couple weeks, while Sidney only brought a few things since he already had clothes here.

"Here's your closet," Sidney said turning on a light to a large closet. My eyes got wide as I thought of all the clothes I could buy to fill a closet like this. Sidney laughed, most likely guessing what I was thinking. I got to work hanging up my clothes so they wouldn't get wrinkled in the suitcase. Sidney put his few items away and took a nap, after saying 'I might as well sleep seeing as you brought the entire strip district with you in a bag.' Once I finished I went downstairs for food. I don't even bother to ask Sid if he's hungry anymore. It must be a hockey player thing to eat all the frikin time and never gain an ounce. I laughed remembering playing videogames with the guys while they ate candy that came out of seemingly nowhere. It wasn't unusual for Flower to one second to be threatening that he'll 'shoot you in your animated eyeball' to eating chocolate that he didn't have the moment before.

I looked in the fridge and realized Sidney didn't have any food. Duh, he wouldn't have food, he hasn't been here in months. I figured while I waited for Sidney to wake up so we could get groceries I would explore the house. It was a nice house. It was clean yet seemed lived in. It was a perfect family summer house, which I'm sure is what Sidney intended. It could use a few vanity repairs though. Sid bless his big ol' heart had very boring style. It wasn't that he didn't like color, he just didn't get it. It was so much easier for him to just pick a bunch of neutral colors as opposed to seeing how different things would look together. This trait was by far reflected in the browns and whites of the rooms. This would have to be changed when we get married. I paused. Did I just say married?! We've only been dating for 2 months and I was thinking of marriage? As I thought about it, it definitely wasn't far off base though. I knew that's where this was going. I had to be. I was far to involved to back out now. I knew we didn't know everything about each other but I wanted us to. I'd never felt the urge to tell anyone everything, but I want, no need Sidney to know all of it, every piece of me.

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