8 - Disney's Reflection

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Pushing both Nala and Doctor Disney to the floor, Belle took the attack. As the glass slammed against her suit, a force sent her flying backwards into the storage room. Landing on the floor, Disney Duchess would quickly get back up onto her feet. With no time for hesitation, the heroine flew right out and at Cinderella. Punching her in the face, Cinderella would stumble backwards. The villains nose began to bleed as she growled.

"Oh, just you wait bitch!" Cinderella yelled, sending more glass at Duchess.

Turning her palms towards the attack, Belle shot multiple energy beams from the repulsors. Striking the glass, the attack disintegrated leaving a happy Belle. Turning back to Cinderella, Belle shot a barrage of energy beams towards them. Colliding against the villain, she was forced to the ground.

Flying over to her, Disney began to sing. Bellowing out the words to Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, the emotion of fear began to grow inside her mind. Within seconds she was completely terrified of Disney, running away down the corridor. As Belle turned towards her mother and the doctor, she'd realise they had taken out all of the guards. Nodding towards them, the three would run back into Mr P's office.

Looking over to the desk, they noticed The Puppeteer was gone. Sighing in disbelief, Belle would run out of the hole in the wall followed by the other two. Making their way down the street, they would turn several corners just in case they were being followed. After several minutes of them running, they would arrive outside a small bar. Frantically looking around, Belle began to calm down.

"Okay, I think we're good!" She spoke, breathing deeply.

Clearing her throat, Nala would turn towards her daughter. Smiling widely, she took the hand of the suit. Belle was so happy, finally having her mother back. Suddenly a gasp left Nala's lips.

Standing back, Belle and Doctor Disney would notice a sword end sticking out of her stomach. Behind Nala stood Mulan, holding the sword deep inside the woman. Blood would pour out of her wound as Mulan pulled the sword out, causing the mother to fall to the ground. Gasping with pain, the older woman looked to her daughter.

"Belle..." She mumbled, looking to her.

Gripping her hands as fists, Disney Duchess instantly flew at Mulan. Smacking her with a force several times in the face, the villainess would fall to the ground. Dropping her sword, Mulan would begin to block Disney's attacks with her arms. Using some form of gymnastics, she leaped onto the ground. Wrapping her legs around Disney's head, Mulan would fling the hero onto the ground with a smash. Scraping her suit against the ground, Belle's eyes would land on Doctor Disney.

After reloading his sniper, the doctor aimed it right towards Mulan. Belle would begin to shake her head, but he didn't care. All he saw was red! His best friend will be avenged. No one hurts anyone related to Belle when he's around. BANG! Shooting his gun, a bullet hurdled straight for Mulan. Entering her torso, the bullet shot right through the Chinese princesses heart. As the bullet left the villain, it left a huge hole through her body. Falling to the floor, Mulan would lay dead.

Getting up onto her feet, Disney ran over towards her mother. Falling onto her knees, she would cradle Nala in her arms. Looking ever so weak, the mother would slowly caress the side of her daughters face. Smiling ever so slightly, she would tilt her head.

"I love you..." She mumbled. "My... Belle..."

With her last word, Nala would slowly close her eyes. Feeling the weight of her mother rest on her, Belle began to cry. Holding his fingers against Nala's neck, a dark look would grow over his face.

"I'm sorry..." He spoke. "She's gone..."

Shaking slightly inside her armoured suit, Belle would sob. It was like this world was against her. She could never keep anything good for long. Turning towards the doctor, she'd quickly remember that he had shot Mulan. Laying her mothers body onto the floor, Belle climbed up onto her feet. Studying him, Disney noticed the sniper.

"It was you..." She sniffled through her tears. "You killed Aurora!"

Doctor Disney's eyes widened as he scratched the back of his head. As he went to speak, Duchess would tackle him to the ground. The doctor would drop the sniper, allowing Belle to take a hold of it. Throwing it away, Disney would hold the doctor down. Punching him in the face, Belle would also shake him slightly.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" She yelled.

"I... I..." He stuttered, terrified at how his friend was acting. "I was looking out for you..."

Thinking to herself for a few seconds, she'd stand away from the doctor. Pulling him up to his feet, Belle would push him backwards.

"Don't. Don't ever kill anyone. AGAIN!" She commanded.

Nodding his head slightly, Doctor Disney looked towards the ground.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled. "I promise..."

Crossing her arms, the brown and gold suit would sparkle in the sun. Looking back down towards her mothers body, Belle would sigh. Clearing her throat, she'd turn to her friend after reflecting to herself.

"I'm going to kill him..." She growled, looking to the sky. "I'll get you Mr P!"

Back inside of his very posh home, The Puppeteer stood by a wall. Holding his hand against it, the wall would begin to shake. Suddenly a section of the wall would open up, allowing himself inside. Walking down a modern staircase, Mr P arrived in a large workshop. 

On the opposite side of the room, The Puppet could be seen resting on a workbench. As if waiting to be worked on, the metallic head slowly turned towards their master. Stopping in front of the table, the man looked down to his work. 

"It seems they did a number on you..." He frowned, grabbing some tools. "Lets fix you up!"

Standing before the head of his puppet, The Puppeteer removed some screws from the top of it. Removing a panel, a human brain would be revealed sitting inside the head. Reworking some wires into the organ, Mr P would have a sick smile on his face. Suddenly footsteps could be heard walking towards the man.

Turning around, he noticed a younger woman enter the room. With short black hair, the woman had a large wolf standing beside her. Petting the top of the wild animal, the woman would look over to The Puppeteer with an annoyed look.

"Ah..." The Puppeteer spoke. "Nice to see you Snow..."

Stepping into the light, the woman could be seen sporting a Snow White get-up. The wolf would stay beside the princess, acting like a guard. Pulling out some lip gloss, she'd touch up her lips.

"Puppeteer..." She spoke intensely. "You can guess why I'm here..."

Continuing on repairing The Puppet, he would sigh.

"You'll get the money when Duchess has been caught!" He said, sounding annoyed.

"I don't think so!" She yelled. "The Princesses follow me because I get shit done. We've just lost another sister to this bitch! Give us the money, or we'll kill her and you!"

A small chuckle left the mans lips as he screwed back the panel to The Puppets head. Standing away from his creation, she would quickly jump to life. Leaping across the room over to Snow White, The Puppet would instantly slice the wolf in half. Blood would leak across the floor as The Puppet tackled Snow to the ground.

The Puppeteer took a few steps towards the princess, smiling down towards her.

"No..." He smirked. "I don't think so!"

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