1 - Disney's Country

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Think of a place full of joy, full of love, that you would never want to leave. Tall green trees spotting the neighbourhoods. Not a single piece of litter being discarded on the floor. There is a place that likes to believe that they are this. They like to show how perfect their citizens are and how lucky anyone that would live there should feel. That place is called... Disney Land The Country!

Smack dab in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean floats an artificial country. Powered by God knows what, this place somehow exists. It was around the size of The United Kingdom, also being officially recognised by the world as a separate country than the others. Ruled by a legion of Walt Disney's grandchildren, the company was to be feared. No one really understood how one small studio was able to grow to so much power, it was like it was never really supposed to happen. Like it was a mistake.

Disney Land The Country had so much to get done if they wanted to survive this world, so they did. Starting their own armies, linking trading routes and most importantly creating their own superhero. Some people like to say that the origins of this powerful hero were dark, but not even she knew.

Her name, even though unknown to the public, is Belle White. Taking on the name Disney Duchess, she would support and protect the country that crowned her. Belle is protected by an Iron Man type suit, purposely to also help promote their movies. With a gold and brown colour scheme around the suit, she would also have a metallic like hair-do, similar to Belle from Beauty and The Beast. In the centre of the suits torso was a circular piece of glass. Inside had a bright white light. On the arms of her outfit she had black armoured plating.

But Belle White also holds a power, something she hasn't properly been able to control. She likes to refer to it as 'Music Magic', she can sing to alter peoples emotions but that's all she's learned so far.

Working out of a highly secure building with teams ready to do as she needs, this lady superhero would be ready for anything.

Thankfully, she even had a best friend. Going by Doctor Disney, he was the person she could trust the most. Sporting a long black pony tail, he was the true creator of her suit, The Duchess Mark One! He was extremely talented and smart, graduating university at only 13 years old. He was a force to be reckoned with.

Sitting on a beautiful white bench was Belle, kicking her feet as she hummed to herself. Looking around the beauty she called home, everything was at bliss. The flowers that lined the paths were beautiful, the air smelt of cinnamon and buns. Even the animals were friendly, with little bunnies hopping around. Looking down at one of the snowy rabbits, Belle smiled. Standing up, she'd quickly kneel down before it. She began to harmonize towards the rabbit, causing it to hop closer. Holding her hands down, the bunny climbed into it and began to rub its little head against it. Belle would smile before stopping her singing. As she did, the bunny would hop away.

Leaning backwards, Belle would jump to her feet with a smile. She loved wildlife, it caused her so much joy to see it thrive. Quickly her phone began to vibrate. Pulling it out, she'd answer the call.

"Hello?" She began before starting to listen. "Understood!"

Hanging up the call, Belle placed her phone back into her pocket. Turning towards the street, she would skip off down the road. She made her way to a large metal office building, it seemed like any other office building but this one being white and pristine. Stopping out the front, she made her way to a door before scanning an ID. The door would automatically open as the lady walked inside. Making her way through the building, Belle arrived outside an office. Knocking on the door, an elderly man would answer. Looking down to the girl, he invited her inside.

Sitting on one side of the desk, the man smiled over to Belle.

"How are you Mr P?" Belle asked, caring about her employer.

"Perfect!" He replied. "And you?"

"I'm great, thanks sir!" She giggled.

Nodding, Mr P would click onto his computer. A presentation began to play behind them as the man leant to one side. Clicking through slides, different villains and heroes would flash upon the screen. A purple, fire breathing dragon. Two angry looking North Koreans. A man wearing a pink outfit and covered in flames. Robin Hood?

Looking towards her boss, Belle had a confused look on her face.

"Sorry to be rude..." She began. "But why are you showing me this?"

Turning to the hero, the old man would smile.

"These are the threats facing our great country at this very moment in time and it's down to you to protect us from them!" He stated.

Disney Duchess would nod, not wanting to backchat her boss. As Mr P continued to go through several slides. Being the perfect person, she would listen. After the meeting ended, Disney would leave the office before making her way towards a lab.

Walking inside, her eyes would land on Doctor Disney. Running to him, she would wave. It had been a little while since they had seen each other so she'd missed him a lot. Stopping before him, Belle looked to what the man was working on.

Playing with some tools, Doctor Disney was seemingly breaking down a camera.

"What's that?" She asked, really curious.

"A camera that shoots a laser...." He smirked, working away.

Giggling, Disney would lean away and smile. Her best friend created the weirdest and most wonderful inventions. It was his dream to go work with the prestigious Serena Hellford that lived over in London, but he never took the time to go.

Standing up from his creation, the doctor would quickly pick it up. Aiming it towards a test dummy, the doctor would press the button as if taking a picture. But with a shake, a laser shot right out of the lens. Hitting the dummy, it quickly caught on fire.

Duchess grabbed a bucket of water, throwing it over the dummy while laughing her head off. Looking back to Doctor Disney, she smirked.

"You're going to kill someone with that!" She laughed.

Shrugging, he placed the camera back down on his workbench. Grabbing a small brown bag, Doctor Disney opened it before pulling out a sandwich. Taking a bite, he'd look over to Belle before offering her the other half.

"Hungry?" He asked, talking with his mouth full.

She shook her head at him, trying not to vomit from the half eaten food she can see in his mouth. Rubbing her eyes, she'd slump in a chair and sigh. For how perfect Disney Land The Country was, it wasn't clear why they needed a superhero. No crime ever takes place here, so why?

Quickly Mr P came charging into the room. With cane in hand, he grabbed the TV remote before turning it on. On the screen was the local news, playing was civilians running from a figure holding a sword. As they watched, they quickly noticed what the villain was wearing.

Leaning backwards, Disney Duchess tilted her head in disbelief.

"Is that Captain Hook?" She exclaimed.

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