7 - Disney's Holding

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Hours would roll by as Belle laid on her slab of a bed. The metal frame would creak as she'd roll onto her side. Still injured, she'd let out a tired sigh. Belle had begin to give up, knowing she had no way out didn't help. Staring towards the dingy wall, she'd watch a fly walk along it. The cell she was in was truly a prison. A metal sink and toilet sat opposite her bed and above it was the smallest windows covered in bars. This was her home now.

A small tap would be heard in the cell door as a guard pushed a metal tray under the door. On it was the most disgusting looking food, making Belle gag as her eyes laid on it. She instantly looked away, she'd prefer to not poison her body. Coughing slightly, the woman would sit up. Rubbing her face, she'd look out towards the corridor. She'd study every guard who'd pass by, hoping to notice anything to aid her in escaping. Keeping herself busy, she would sing to guards. She was testing if her powers would work, she realised they didn't.

More hours would pass, causing more doubt and depression to form in the heroines mind. Tears would slowly stream down her face as she cried to herself, still watching the corridor. Hugging a pillow tightly, she'd start to close her eyes. Thinking inside her head, she'd begin to pray for help. She would do this for a few minutes before suddenly stopping.

"Fuck sake..." She sniffled. "What do I do?"

Slowly Belle fell to sleep even though she tried to fight against it.


Belle's eyes would open slightly as her pupils adjusted to the light. Taking her time, she would move her dark black hair out of her face. Looking around the room, she'd realise she was laying in a hospital room, in a hospital bed! Quickly the door to the room swung open as Doctor Disney hurried himself inside.

The man was holding a clipboard, going through the files attached to it. He'd look over to Belle, studying her. Taking a few steps towards her, he would smile.

"Hello there, I'm Doctor Disney... It's good to see you're awake!" He spoke happily.

Belle would tilt her head.

"Where am I?" She asked, sounding worried.

The doctor took a seat beside the girl, taking her hand.

"You've been in a coma for five years my dear..." He was trying to sound kind. "You're at the Disney Investigation Bureau, you've been receiving care here since the accident..."

Belle would sigh, looking down towards herself. Yeah, the accident. The disease she had caused her to become so weak, she collapsed in a busy street. What a thing to remember or even go through. Scratching the top of her head, she quickly thought of something.

"My mom, where is she?" She begged to know. 

The doctor would shrug.

"She hasn't made contact for over a year, I'm sorry to inform you..."

Tears slowly formed in her eyes before the  room began to shake. Doctor Disney looked around confused before an orange hue entered through the window. Belle looked over and gasped as she noticed The Wave, an orange wave of energy, heading right too them. With no warning, The Wave ripped right through them, causing Belle to grunt in pain as it reconstructed her. As the energy hit  and made its way through the doctor, he would be thrown into a trolley with test tubes on. Falling to the floor with a crash, he'd lay in pain.


Waking up, Belle realised she was still inside her cell. Clenching her fists together, the heroine would quickly jump up onto her feet. She decided she'd have enough, time to get annoying. Running up to the bars, she would grab the tray of food that she had discarded the day before. Smashing it against the metal poles, a loud ringing noise would flow through the hallway.

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