The red devil

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I don't know where I currently am at the moment. My last memories are a little bit fuzzy and I think that a lot of time passed since the fight at school. Well, if I had to be honest, it wasn't really a fight since Saber managed to defeat us with a single strike after Caster lost her Master. When Archer tried to protect me with his weird powers, he was still too weak compared to Saber's Excalibur Morgan, so his shield ended up falling apart but he used his own body to protect me.

    "RIN!!!!!!!!!!!!" said the bowman before shielding me.

After that, everything went dark and I woke up somewhere near the archery club. I didn't really understand what was going on, so the first thing that I did was to call out for my Servant to go back home. I called him once, twice, thrice, but he never answered. I didn't want to think about the possibility that he was gone, so I checked my left hand to see if the Command Spells were still there. Of course, they weren't, which confirmed the fact that he was really gone. That stupid white-haired bowman, why did he have to die without me? I never understood him and I never understood why he was doing this. The only thing that I knew was that he loathed Shirou and that he wanted him dead. Before we departed to school for the battle, I asked him why he hated the boy so much. His answer was: "His wish to become a hero of justice is what created me, so I need to kill him before my creation." What the hell was he talking about? Creation? Hero of Justice? How could a man like Kotomine Shirou strive to become a hero? Heroes are supposed to protect the weak and defeat the strong to save many lives, but Shirou doesn't care about one another. What he wants is to destroy people and even though he was the only survivor of a cataclysm, it doesn't affect him that much. Damn it, why was I thinking about him so much? I couldn't stay put while doing nothing, so I decided to go back home and tell Sakura that everything would be ok. The problem was that I didn't notice that time flew by really fast, so I had to rush back home to hope that she would be ok.

    "Ahhhh, damn it, I knew that something like that would happen." I said while looking at the empty house.

My sister wasn't there anymore, leaving the house completely lifeless. That was a red flag. I didn't think that Shirou would have kidnapped Sakura to get the upper hand on me, but I can't deny the fact that he's capable of doing so. So, the only thing that I could think about is that Sakura left because she wanted to or she wanted to investigate herself for once. Nonetheless, the situation was miserable, just like the temperature outside, so what I needed to do was to ask someone where Sakura could have gone and I didn't even need to think about who. I immediately knew that in this town, if you wanted to get intel, there was only one man that could help you.

    "That fake priest." I said while rushing outside to reach the church.

Despite my injuries, I am running at full speed towards the church. It takes one hour to get there by foot, but with the speed that I'm running at, I should arrive there in less than thirty minutes. The only thing that I could do was to pray for Sakura's safety and hope that I would be able to get Kirei's help. When I finally arrived there, I barged in and asked if someone was there.

    "Oh? Rin, I didn't think that you would be rude enough to barge in the House of God like this." said the priest that was having fun in teasing me.

    "Shut up, Kirei, it's not like your presence here wasn't an insult to Him too." I replied. "But spare me your stupid speeches, I need your help. My sister is missing and you're the only person that I can ask for clues in finding her whereabouts."

    "Well, well. Now you're asking me for help? You never did during those past ten years, so why should I refuse?" said Kirei who was now laughing at the mere thought of me asking him for help. "You said that your sister disappeared, didn't you? Did you know if something troubled her?"

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