A game of chess

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Sometimes, the end of the world becomes something that you can't avoid. No matter how hard you try, no matter what tricks you use, you just can't prevent the destruction of countless worlds. Ever since I became a Servant, the only thing that I was allowed to do was watch. Children were getting slaughtered in front of me, lovers were ruthlessly killed in front of me, parents lost their child, others lost an important family member and I couldn't even do a thing to help them. It was frustrating, you know? I was gifted with such incredible powers that could prevent everything that I was seeing, but the World never allowed me to intervene because the requirements weren't met. I had to wait for someone to act before being able to act too since this is my one and only mission. In my time, we used to call this a Singularity, an event that messed up the world's history which brought in characters that weren't supposed to exist in the first place. Every time that a Singularity occurs, it was because of a Holy Grail that was placed somewhere. But when I first came to the very first timeline, I could never find such a thing. I looked everywhere, but I never found that cup. One day, when I was still looking for it, I saw the most atrocious thing that I have ever seen in my life. It was a difformed shadow with the face of a baby and body parts that didn't fit with one another. It couldn't walk very well and fell on the ground every time that it missed a step. Since I do not have any combat abilities, all I could do was watch it walk towards a Japanese-style house, the Emiya Residence. When it arrived in front of the door, it changed its appearance to take on the form of Emiya Shirou's guardian, Fujimura Taiga. I could not believe my own eyes. How was it able to shape shift that easily? The shadow started to act like the one it just copied and proceeded to enter the house in a casual manner.

"Hellooo! I am back!!!!" said the shadow now impersonating Fujimura Taiga.

"Oh. Welcome back, Fuji-nee. I was starting to get scared at the fact that you would actually be able to miss a meal." said Emiya Shirou.

"Ehhhhhhh? Come on, Shirou, I'm not such a glutton." replied the shadow in a childish way.

"Of course you are. Every time that I buy snacks, they suddenly disappear ten minutes later. Now, hurry up and come eat dinner or I'll make Saber eat yours." said Shirou before heading back to the living room.

That right there was what sealed Shirou's fate in the very first timeline. Fujimura Taiga was still not home yet or probably dead and the entity impersonating it only wanted one thing and that was to kill the boy in front of him. So, with a swift movement, it dashed at Shirou, raised his right hand and smashed his head on the wall repetitively. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. It seemed as if it wasn't going to stop even though the master of the house was already dead. The inhabitants rapidly came in to check what was going on, but they were too late. The disguised shadow as Fujimura revealed itself to be the shadow master and since Emiya Shirou was dead, it could finally reach its potential and destroy the world with a sea of darkness. Every time, this thing happens. Shirou dies by the hand of these shadows and the world ends. I never understood why Shirou was the key to everything. I tried to watch everything that was happening, but I never managed to find a clue. So, I went to see someone else that wasn't affected by these temporal changes.

"So, every time that Shirou gets killed by that shadow, the timeline resets and changes, huh?" said the white-haired girl while drinking her tea. "Why do you think so, Grand Caster?"

"I can't really tell. From my point of view, it's like something wants Emiya Shirou to die at any possible cost, but what I can't understand is why it wants him dead." I replied.

"That's where you are wrong, Grand. It's not "something" that wants onii-chan dead, but "someone"." She replied, illuminating my thoughts.

""Someone"?? Who would that be?" I asked.

"Come on, I thought that you were better than that. At this point, there's only one person in the entire world who hates Shirou so much to the point that he wants him to die." She said, smiling at my stupidity.

At first, I couldn't understand who it was, until I remembered about a man who played himself and now wanted to kill a certain boy. Yes, it was clear as day that he was the one behind all of this, but why destroy the world in the process?

"I now know his identity, but what I still can't understand is why destroy the world just for a grudge? Is involving everyone in his revenge his plan?" I asked.

"You want my best guess? He probably messed up somewhere and the world's destruction preceding the total change of the timeline is a consequence to his actions. Now that you know about this, what do you plan on doing?" asked the girl while looking at me with her red eyes.

"I can't intervene unless the requirements are met. I do not know how much time it will take, but Shirou has to defeat that shadow himself. If he can do that, the world will be saved." I said with determined eyes. "Illyasviel, can't you do something about it?"

"Let's see. If you manage to make it so that he ends up in a troublesome situation, I will be able to help. With your abilities, I'm sure that it'll be easy." said Illyasviel, who had faith in my powers.

And with that said, what I could only do was wait. With each timeline passing by, every single Shirou was either a failure or someone that achieved its potential but still failed. The problem was that their ideals were interfering with me trying to make it so that they could meet Illyasviel. Some of them ended up meeting her, but it never ended well. I thought that all hope was lost until something interesting happened after the timeline changed for the 65th time. The world was so messed up that Emiya Shirou ceased to exist, which created a new persona: Kotomine Shirou. That version of Shirou was ruthless and had abandoned the idea of becoming a superhero. What it wanted was to crush people in this Holy Grail war, which ended up being the perfect thing for me. When Matou Shinji was killed, I knew that his sister would go look out for him, so I directed her myself to discover the crime scene. I then told her to meet up with Tohsaka Rin to get some help while lying about some divine mystery that blocked the outside world from knowing that Shinji was dead. All of these factors forced the head of the Tohsaka family to take action while thinking that it was the Servant Caster that did all of this. Since Caster wasn't the culprit, Tohsaka Rin used this opportunity to try and crush Kotomine Shirou once and for all. Everything was finally set up according to my plan and Shirou never knew that I was manipulating him to reach the final end which was him stopping the shadows once and for all. Illyasviel played a big part in the plan since she helped Shirou to master his potential so that he could have a chance against these monsters. She may have died, but not in vain since I will finally end this once and for all.

"Here it comes, the sea of darkness!" I shouted while holding my staff.

Even though it has the ability to wipe out everything in its path, now that the requirements are met, it's not even a threat anymore. I have waited for this moment for years. It's now time to end this!

"Dance, dance!

Your time hath come, so thou shalt execute my will.

Destroy this sea of malice,

And create the perfect aurora borealis!


A giant of light suddenly appeared out of the wind and with the palm of his hands, he imprisoned the sea of darkness in his hands, destroying it in the process. Although, Kotomine Shirou and his party's consciousnesses are still in that sea, so the best thing that I can do is to send them to a pocket dimension.

"Small world - Animusphere!"

A powerful light rendered everything around it not visible and when I opened my eyes, we were now in the pocket dimension. I managed to destroy the threat that was the dark sea and retrieved Shirou and his party. But, hold on. What are Kotomine Kirei, Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura doing here?

Note: Another chapter longer than usual! If I had to be honest, I didn't really know how the hell I was going to write these events, but in the end, I managed to successfully do it, I think. We're now extremely close to the grand finale and I hope that you guys will trust me in terms of writing it. Also, thank you for 70 votes on the story (even though we were at a perfect 69 and that someone didn't like it) and thank you again for the support. That was all for me and I'll see you guys later!

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