Chapter 39

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"You okay, Batman and Robin?" said Charles Wallace.

"Yes we are, Charles Wallace. Are you?" said Batman.

"We're alright" said Sam positively.

"Gosh, Sam... the Joker told us you were a goner. I was so afraid" said Robin.

"Aw, gawrsh. I ain't goin' nowhere" said Sam.

Robin gave her the biggest hug and said "how'd you get out?"

"Let's just say. The next time the Joker tries to put me in a death trap, he better close the top" said Sam. 

Robin laughed then looked at the boys.

"The Riddler said you were getting waxed, Charles Wallace" he said.

"Aw! It'll be riddles all the way when he's right about something" said Charles Wallace.

"And Calvin, I gather you didn't marry Catwoman" said Batman.

"Please. I wouldn't marry her if my life depended on it" said Calvin.

"We'd never let you guys down. You're the Dynamic Duo" said Sam.

"Now let's go save Rose" said Charles Wallace.

"Rose?! Holy missing relatives! Do you guys know where she is?" said Robin.

"It's Two-Bits. He's got her" said Charles Wallace.

"But we don't know exactly where. She's not in the villains' hideout" said Calvin.

"Think on it, kids. A villain always makes one mistake. If she's not in the hideout... what would the mistake be?" said Batman.

"Gawrsh. There doesn't seem to be a mistake. The usual one would be hiding her in the most obvious hiding place. But if she's not in their hideout, they hid her somewhere we'll never find her" said Sam.

"Holy awful luck! Will we ever find my daughter?" Robin cried.

"Of course we will, Robin. We're not gonna let you down" said Calvin.

"Yeah. Those villains think they're clever, but they're not as clever as us" said Charles Wallace. 

"And I think I got an idea. If Benedict didn't take Rose to the hideout, he must have taken her somewhere near the hideout" said Calvin.

"Very good, Calvin. So we must search every place close to the hideout" Batman ordered.

"Aye aye, sir" said Robin. 

"Sure thing, Batman" said Sam.

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