Chapter 38

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The Three Warriors hurried back to Actorville hoping for good news.

"We made it!" Charles Wallace cheered.

"Thank goodness you three got here" said Commissioner Cook.

"Are you alright?" said Lieutenant Mathers. 

"We're okay" said Sam.

"But where's Rose? Rose Grayson" said Charles Wallace.

"That backstabbing brute Two-Bits Benedict made off with her" said Lieutenant Mathers.

"I knew he was after Rose!" Calvin growled.

"That double-crossing crooked creep!" Charles Wallace agreed.

"Did Batman and Robin ever show anything they found as to where she is?" said Sam.

"That's the other problem. They left to save her and never came back" said Commissioner Cook.

"The villains must have trapped them too" said Calvin.

"But where? Each of them kidnapped us" said Charles Wallace.

"Very possibly the one that didn't kidnap one of us. Think about it. There's four villains and three of us. Calvin, who kidnapped you?" said Sam.

"Catwoman" said Calvin.

"Charles Wallace?" said Sam.

"The Riddler" said Charles Wallace.

"And the Joker had me" said Sam.

"Then there's only one left who could have made off with Batman and Robin! The Penguin" said Charles Wallace.

"You've done it, buddy! Back to the hideout!" said Calvin.

"Good luck, Warriors!" said Commissioner Cook.

The Warriors hurried back to the villain hideout. The Penguin wasn't there so they went right on in.

None of the villains were around so they were free to look for Batman and Robin.

They searched everywhere until there was only one possible place left.

Sam opened a hidden door and found the Dynamic Duo strapped to the chairs where they were to be electrocuted.

"Holy smoke!" Calvin exclaimed.

"Quick, Warriors! Get us out of here before the hourglass empties" said Batman.

"Or that's what we will be. Just holy smokes" said Robin.

The Three Warriors unstrapped Batman and Robin from the electric chairs and they all rushed away from the hideout just as the hourglass emptied.

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