Never Wanna See You Hurt

Start from the beginning

I wash his body with a cloth so he wouldn't have to take a bath and he wouldn't need to move his body even more. I also replace the band aids on his body and clean his bruises every night and day. Ice packs had also been helpful to reduce the swelling in his eyes and cheeks.

He also urged me to go to school so I wouldn't miss my classes. I still went even though my mind just keeps flying to where Serge is. It is just so hard to focus when your boyfriend is at home without you being there for them. 

I did everything I could to avoid Bre and her friends whenever we were in the same class or at lunch. Serge already told me about what happened that night, and my suspicion about Bre being involved in it was right, though it was her brother who beat him up. My mind still couldn't wrap itself around how they would do such a thing to him. I wish it would've just been me. I wish they hadn't involved Serge in something that I brought upon myself. He doesn't deserve to be faced out like that, especially since he's been through enough. Though I doubt it wouldn't break me still if Serge were the one who was in my place because I could see how broken he is every day when I look at him hopeless.

"Serge, come on, I'll wash you up." I say, slightly shaking him.

He's watching the TV and is sitting on the edge of the bed. His gaze immediately moves to glare at me from hearing my voice, though there's still a gleaming smile on his lips.

I leant my head down to his level so I could kiss his lips and hold his body against mine. I didn't bother to break our kiss until he was finished, though he easily pushed through my weakness as his tongue slid through my mouth. I moan from his gesture and my dick aches from how soft his lips are against mine. His hand then trails its way up my head, to grip my hair and push me closer to him to deepen our kiss.

He's like a beer. He's intoxicating. And as intoxicated as I may be, I can't help but crave more of it, though I doubt it would ever be enough. 

My teeth dig into his bottom lip as my hand begins to roam around his body. I pulled the hem of his shirt up to take it off of him, and I spread my hands across the rawness of his muscles. 

He said that the bruises don't hurt much anymore and my touch doesn't make him groan like before. However, I still try to be gentle since I don't want him to burn from my hold.

He then pulled my shirt off of me, so our bodies would feel bare against one another as I brought my foot up to sit on his lap, straddling him.

My mind had already given in to its sense of vulnerability , that I forgot what I was intending to do in the first place, which was to wash him. But I can't really complain that much since having his body pressed against my skin is better than any other thing in the world. He makes my empty heart full and my body feel content. Even if my mind was lost in everything it could persist in, it would still lead its way up to follow him.

His lips swell as I pull my face away to look at him, and a smirk escapes my mouth. I'm so caught up in the sense of him that I can't seem to pull myself away. My lips burn to the taste of him again as it trails its way to his jaw, nipping his skin. Moans from him crashes to my ears and my body reacts with arousal from feeling him.

My dick throbs from how hard he's making me feel as I thread my way further down his body, kissing every inch of his muscles until I'm met with his aching cock.

I pulled his shorts lower to his thighs so I could have a full view of his dick and keep my gaze on his bulge. My mouth screams with lust as desire ponders me and I lean my head into his hard shaft as I suck on his dick. He tasted like heaven, and my lips couldn't help but crave every inch of it. My head pushes back and forth into his dick as I go deeper and deeper into him.

His hands begin to trail through my hair, and his hips thrust, pushing further inside my mouth.

"Fuck. Hogan." He moans.

My mouth is drawn to the taste of him as complete warmth hits my tongue. His cum comes crushing down my throat, leaving me more breathless as I try to chase after my own orgasm.

My body moves itself again to straddle his thighs as I push my trousers off and stroke my hard dick. His lips are against mine as I lose every sense of my sanity. My tongue clashes with his, and my body melts as I'm pressed into him. His teeth then start biting on my bottom lip, which ultimately pushes me over the edge as my own orgasm comes spraying out of me. Draws of hot fluid start filling the space between us. My dick unloads into his stomach.

My heart pounds restlessly and my lungs beg for some air. His hands are wrapped around my waist, holding me as I completely transfer all my heat to him.

My body froze from the feel of him, yet I still tried my best to move away from his softness. He's looking at me with the same temptation draining from his eyes as I reach for the washed cloth I left above the drawer.

His hand spreads from under him to take his shorts off as I make my way towards his flustered state. My hands begin trailing their way across his body while holding the washed cloth as my heart pours with happiness.

"Time to wash up."

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