i love you all ...

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For a 6days now, Hobi was not allowed outside apart for all the important public appearances and shoots that had to be made... Even on the days he had to make public appearances the conditions were sever... 8 bodyguard minimum and one of them being armed with teaser guns, Hobi wasn't allowed to eat or drink during the time he was outside, he was restricted from using elevators or any closed room, physical contact with people was also prohibited, no contact with gifts received... For the whole of 6days Yoongi made sure to prepare meals for Hobi for safety purpose...

And to say Hobi was mad would be an understatement, he was tired, annoyed, frustrated and depressed... Everyone was worried for him, they tried to cheer him up, occasionally it would work but mostly it returned with an angry glare....

But attacks had stopped for 6days straight, Hobi was getting a better control at his hormones, he was feeling energetic again and seemed like everything was going back to normal.....


BTS was shooting a add campaign at one of the companies out houses towards the outskirts of Seoul, in a big mansion and with a crew of over 25people... the shoot was going smoothly as they worked in units, Jungkook, Namjoon Suga and Jin in one unit while Jimin Hobi and Taehyung in other unit ... They were to run a campaign for a furniture company..

They had been shooting since morning and the shoot was gonna last till atleast evening that's why Yoongi had packed Hobi his lunch ... Worried as Yoongi was, he managed to keep up with his schedule also taking over some of Hobi's task also to make food for Hobi.. he was sleepy and had turned weak, members also tried to get him to rest but he refused saying he'll handle himself ..

The shoot went for a break, Yoongi stumbled his way towards the corner where all their boxed lunches were kept... He was about to fall straight to the ground when someone came and held his forearm.. "hyung!" Hobi called out saving Yoongi

Everyone rushed to Yoongi as they slowly made him sit..

"Hyung are you alright!?" Hobi asked a bit panicked

"I am ok ok.." Yoongi muttered as he rested on the floor..

"this hyung! I told him he was over doing it!!" Jimin half shouted

"Ya Yoongi-ah you alright?" Jin asked patting his head and Yoongi nodded slightly as he hugged Jin...

"Ya Jimin-ah is this the time to be shouting at him?" Jin asked still patting Yoongi's head ...

Jimin looked down with guilt and worry

A staff bought a glass of water for Yoongi

"everyone step back let hyung have air.. clear out come on" Jungkook cleared out the staff

"Hyung should we take you to doctor?" Taehyung asked sitting next to Yoongi... "Naah am ok you know.. i just got weak in knees for few seconds I'll be fine if I lay down for few minutes" Yoongi replied laying down on the ground... "Lunch first!" Namjoon said kissing his cheek and running away ....

"Ahhhh Namjoona-ahhh!!" Yoongi shouted as rest of the members started giggling...

"Alright let's go lunch!" Jimin shouted kissing yoongi on cheek and running away

Taehyung and Jungkook too followed leaders lead kissing Yoongi and shouting 'lunch!' and running away... As he frowned in disgust

Jin and Hobi bend down towards, "don't you dare ..." Yoongi warned...

Jin and Hobi both looked a each other, Jin got up first and he nudged hobi to get up as well ..

Hobi got up a little.. sad he looked at Jin who offered Yoongi a hand to get up as he gave Hobi the look to do the same.. Yoongi gave his hands to both of them ... And Jin kissed him and Hobi followed the suit

hobi centric!!! (On Break)Where stories live. Discover now