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"ah Namjoona ... Hoseok-ah is not really feeling good ... I don't know what to do.." jin said while being in call with Namjoon as sat out of his room on the ground leaning his back on to the door..

"Wha-- what happened!?"

"His heat... He ran out of his medicine.. his temperature is high i don't know what to do he is also acting wierd..."

"Hyung calm down.. I'll be there in a minute hold on ok?"

"..ok" jin replied..
Call ended...

---ring ----ring

Jin heard the telephone ring and he flinched..he looked at the room opposite to was Hobi's room... he took small careful steps as he entered the room to pick up the call

"Hello Mr.jung??"

"Yes..." Jin replied in panic as he felt some presence in the room... But Hobi was in his room sleeping....

"We got a parcel from your manager, they said that it's an important and you required this item urgently... Should I send it or will you come and get it??" The staff asked from the other side of the phone as jin carefully kept looking around..

"I'll... I'll come and get it" jin said nervously and he hurriedly ended the call and left the room without closing the door...

As Jin arrived at hotel lobby to grab the medicine from registration, "the parcel for Mr. Jung Hoseok, I am here to collect it"

"Can you sign here?" The hotel staff said as he brought forward the registration book, Jin hurriedly took the book and bend down to sign on it...

Jin looked back upon hearing Yoongi's voice behind him...

"Hobi hyung? How is he?where is he?" Jungkook asked worriedly

"...let's go to the room and talk" jin said as all follow him to the elevator

"Hyung? Whats wrong with you?" Namjoon asked concern in his voice ...

"You have sweat on your forehead and his face was slightly red..." Namjoon said as he placed his hand on Jin's back in concern

"... Someone was in Hobi's room.. I think Hobi is being stalked..." Jin said in whisper fear being evident in his voice...

Evey had confused and worried look on their faces...

"You think it's that serious?" Suga asked... It wasn't unusual for k-pop stars to followed and sometimes their fans were just too much, so Suga was quiet used to such stalker like behaviour...

"Ya Yoongi-ah if they had been just a usual fan they would came to me too when I went to his room.. also they came to his room when he was clearly not there.. maybe they entered into his room.. after seeing that he had left.."

"Now where is Hoseok Hyung?" Taehyung asked in concern...

"In my room.. he is sleeping" Jin replied

Everyone sighed in relief as the elevator door opened and everyone went to Jin's room

"I'll ask security to look into the matter and let's just hope nothing too serious is happening.." Namjoon said as they entered Jin's room

Jin glanced slowly towards from the mirror in his room which reflected Hobi's door which was opposite to his room... The door was closed....

Jin remembered himself leaving the door open before leaving

"Namjoon hyung" Taehyung called out, "hyung, Hoseok Hyung is sleeping right now.. so if possible only one person should and give him medicine and come back.. we only have an hour before we leave let's let him rest" Taehyung explained and everyone nodded in agreement

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