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Maggie lived in the outskirts of Derry in a small neighborhood that was just outside of the rich neighborhoods, which just so happened to be all the way across town from where Mike lives so that part sucked. She had a really nice two-story house with three-bedrooms, two and half bathrooms, and two decent sized family rooms, one on the main floor and one in the basement. The house was really neat and organized too which Richie liked.

Maggie gave Richie a full house tour before showing him where his room would be, he'd have the old guest room in the basement considering Maggie had the master bedroom upstairs and the third bedroom that was upstairs, she was using as her office. There was a bathroom just down the hall that would be his as well, which was really nice, he wouldn't have to go all the way upstairs.

"We can get different bedsheets for you and pick up whatever else you need or want tomorrow, okay?" Maggie said softly and smiled at her son.

Richie set his suitcase and bags down and nodded. "Yeah, okay if that's alright. I think I've got what I need, and sheets are just sheets, right?" He shrugged and looked around the room.

Maggie sighed and shook her head. "I'll call you out of school again and we can spend the entire day shopping and setting your room up how you want it. I want you to feel comfortable here. I want you to make this room your own, you clearly couldn't do that at your father's." She sighed sadly and frowned. "I don't expect you to tell me what kind of a father he was, I know it's not good, but I'm here for you Richie."

Richie smiled softly and nodded. "Okay, if you say so." He said before freezing slightly. "Maybe some other time. It's been a long day." He sighed and sat down on the edge of his bed.

Maggie smiled sympathetically and ruffled her son's hair. "Of course. Want me to give you some space so you can unpack?"

Richie thought for a moment and looked at his bags. He honestly had a hard time this was really happening. How could his life just change like this?

"Do you uh actually mind if I invite a friend over to help?" He asked timidly, almost certain he'd get told no.

Oh, why did he even ask? Maggie might take it the wrong way too. She rescues her son from her abusive ex-boyfriend and then he asks to invite someone over, so he won't have to be around her? That's not what he wants her to think, he just needs someone familiar.

Maggie paused for a moment before something flashed through her eyes. She smiled fondly and nodded at him. "Of course, hun. I'll make supper for you two later." She kissed the top of his head. "But don't stay up too late, we've got a day full of fun tomorrow."

Richie couldn't help but smile. He nodded and gave her a quick hug. "I won't, thank you. It means a lot, Maggie."


"Your mom is a total badass!"

Richie had gotten Victor caught up on the day's events and he was absolutely in awe of Maggie.

"I know."

"She's totally hot too-"

Richie's mouth dropped open, and he stared at the other boy for a second before smacking him hard in the chest. "Dude! What the fuck!" He shuddered and moved slightly away from Victor.

That only made Victor laugh harder. He rolled his eyes fondly and wrapped his arms around Richie's bare chest, pulling him back towards him. "Come on Richie," He murmured. "I was only joking; you know I prefer you."

Richie hummed softly and titled his head to the side so he could give Victor a soft kiss. "You're an idiot." He mumbled and sighed as he leaned his head back against his chest.

"You might have mentioned that before." Victor said with a grin as he trailed his fingers up and down Richie's arm lightly.

The two of them had come to an agreement. Until things worked out with their respected crushes, they'd mess around with each other. No strings attached, fuck buddies type of situation. They deserved to have some fun while their current love status was shit.

If Eddie could have a boyfriend, why couldn't he have... a Victor.

He deserved to be somewhat happy.

Victor has yet to tell him who his crush is, but he's respecting his privacy. At first he thought it wasn't fair. They were both in the same situation and Victor knows Richie has feelings for Eddie, so it was only fair that Richie knows who Victor has feelings for.

But the guy Victor likes is straight, and just broke up with his girlfriend, which led Richie to say maybe he isn't straight and he's discovering his true self now and that's why him and his girlfriend broke up, which led to Victor to huffing and puffing about not getting his hopes up, which eventually led to Richie giving the poor boy a blow job to feel better.

"Well it's because it's true, idiot." Richie said with a grin before sighing softly. "This is so weird-"

"What is?" Victor rested his chin on the other boys shoulder as he spoke gently.

"Everything right now." Richie said honestly. "I mean I'm not speaking to any of the losers, I am speaking to my mom and I'm living with her, my dads out of the picture, and there's you. It's all so weird."

The blonde boy hummed softly and nodded. "I get that, so much is changing and the people you most care about aren't here to witness it."

Richie nodded slowly and closed his eyes to try and stop the tears that were trying to form. "Yeah, exactly." He mumbled and turned his body to bury his face in other boys chest.

"You're okay Rich, I've got you. I'm here for you."

Update !!!!
A LOT has been happening in my life right not so I apologize

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