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September 14th - 6 years ago

Today was the first day of 4th grade for the four friends, and they were sort of excited. The start of school meant, no longer being at home. But it also meant homework and having to sit in a classroom all day.

So far in their classrooms they had, they desks were set in quads. Not this year though. As they walked into their new classroom together, they noticed the desks were in circles of five.

They all exchanged looks before choosing a circle. Bill sat on one side of the empty desk, Eddie sat next to Bill, Stan next to Eddie, and finally Richie next to Stan on the other side of the empty desk.

"Who do you think is gonna have to sit by us?" Eddie asked, taking his stuff out of his backpack and setting it on his desk.

"I don't know. I hope it's someone nice." Bill said, copying Eddie's actions.

"Sucks for whoever it is though." Richie added.

"What do you mean Richie?" Stan asked, organizing his supplies.

The curly haired boy just shrugged, making Stan roll his eyes.

"I'm sure whoever it is, they'll be fine." Bill spoke up.

"Whatever you say Big Bill."

Students continued to fill in the classroom and sit down in a desk. The bell rang and no one had sat in the empty desk at their circle.

The friends thought that maybe no one would, maybe they'd get lucky and they wouldn't have to talk to another person. That's what they hoped, or wished, anyways.

But not all wishes come true.

"Alright class," the teacher spoke loudly, getting her students attention. "We have a new student this year."

You see, in Derry, having a new student is rare. No one joins a grade, it's the same people every year. Sure people leave, but usually the only people who move here are old people with no family, or young couples with no children yet.

"This is Ben Hanscom."

The boy standing next to the teacher had, what appeared to be a kind small smile on his face. Ben was more on the chubbier side with blond hair.

"Okay Ben, you can sit over there." The teacher said, pointing to the only open desk in the room.

Ben walked to that desk and sat down, putting his bag on the floor next to him. Bill gave him a welcoming smile and Eddie waved, while Stan and Richie just sat there. As you can probably tell, Eddie and Bill were the, how do we put it, the nicer ones, more caring.

Ben smiled back and took his supplies out of his bag and set them on the desk.

"So haystack, where you from?" Richie asked.

Haystack seems like a mean name to call someone, but Ben could tell from the way Richie said it, he didn't mean any harm. It was simply a nickname Richie would call him for the rest of his life

"North Carolina." Ben replied.

"Why'd you-"

Eddie was about to politely ask why ben and his family had moved here, when the teacher interrupted him.

"You boys can talk during lunch and recess. Right now you're listening."

"My mom got a new job." Ben finally got to answer as he walked next to his new friends outside for recess.

"Neato." Richie replied.

"Hey losers!" Someone yelled from behind them.

They all turned around to see Henry Bowers,
Belch Huggins, and Victor Criss. Or most commonly known as Derrys bullies. Belch and Victor were also fourth graders but Henry was supposed to be a seventh grader this year, he got held back a couple years.

"What do you what Bowers?" Richie asked annoyed.

Richie seemed to be the only child under the age of 13 not scared of Henry. The hits his father gave him hurt more then Henry's ever will.

"See you've got a new member. Tits, is it?" He asked smiling.

Ben flushed in embarrassment. He knows he has a big chest for a male but he doesn't like it being pointed out.

"Leave us alone Henry." Richie said, rolling his eyes.

"What was that four eyes?" Henry's eyes narrowed and he took a step towards the five friends. They all backed up except for the boy wearing glasses.

"I said leave us alone." Richie repeated.

"Listen here-"

A whistle was blown.

"No fighting. Leave them alone Henry or you'll go to the principals!" A teacher yelled.

"You got lucky. See ya around losers." Henry said before walking away with his goons.

"Thanks for standing up for me Richie." Ben spoke shyly.

"No problem haystack. You're one of us now. Whether you like it or not."

"And what are we exactly?" Stan asked.

"Just a bunch of losers." Richie exclaimed, smiling.

"Yeah. Since Henry calls us that, why does it have to be used in a negative way?" Bill spoke up.

"It doesn't Billy boy." The curly haired boy said, wrapping an arm around his friends shoulders.

Everyone smiled.

"Hands in." Richie said, sticking his hand out.

"What for?" Eddie asked confused.

"Today's the day the losers club began. Hands in."

"Club?" Stan asked.

"Yes. A club. You know, like a group of people." Richie started explaining.

"I know what a club is." The noddle haired boy said, rolling his eyes.

Bill placed his hand on top of Richie's, then Eddie did, then Stan, and finally Ben.

September 14th, the day the losers club officially begun.


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