Gabriel Agreste Part 1(rewrite)

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(This episode in general is a good example of wasted potential. This whole episode could have been a flashback to Gabriel and Emilie's relationship, but instead it mostly follows Mari, whose role is so unnecessary, stopping Chloe from exposing her love to Adrien. However, we do get Felix, who is an interesting character. But not as interesting as Lila Rossi. So, this is going to be a fun episode to rewrite. Now, I did split this into two parts, because it would feel weird to me if this was one big episode. It will make sense once you finish reading this. This will have some interesting changes with elements from the original. One of which is that you finally, FINALLY get to see what happened to Emilie. No joke. I am really serious. You, the reader, get to see what happened to Emilie, that made her pass away. Although this is very exciting to see, I will say this, there is still more to Emilie's story. With that being said, please enjoy my next rewrite).

Gabriel talks to the dead corpse that is Emilie Agreste. "My Dear Emilie. Progress has been going down hill ever since Ladybug became the new guardian of the miracle box. There is something that is preventing me from akumatizing people whenever they have negative emotions. It interferes with my plans to save you. Whatever this is, I will find a way around it. But for the time being, I have to get ready for my soirée tonight. And especially get ready to see my dear nephew, Felix, again. To reclaim the ring he stole from us. I promise you, I will save you, and fix the tragic accident that lead to your death." Gabriel said. Upstairs, Natalie is reading info on the miraculous to help Gabriel. She is in her pajamas, and has been in bed ever since the events of Miraculous Menace. Gabriel walks into the room to talk to Natalie. "Natalie, any luck?" Gabriel asked. "Not all, sir. There is nothing in this book about preventing akumas, or stoping you from evilizing people." Natalie replied. Gabriel sits on the bed. "There must be a reason this is happening. How else am I going to make the wish to bring Emilie back?" Gabriel asked. "We will find a way, Gabriel, and you will bring Emilie back. Just get ready for the soirée. I will keep looking, and tell you if I found anything." Natalie replied. "Thank you, Natalie." Gabriel said.

    We soon transition to Kagami's car, where her Mother and her are getting ready for the party. "Kagami! Hurry up. We don't have all day." Kagami's Mom said. "I am coming, Mother, but I don't want to do this." Kagami replied. "Why not? You get to see your boyfriend, Adrien." Kagami's Mom asked. "Ex-Boyfriend, Mother. It still hurts me that Adrien has been lying to me the whole time we spent together. I hoped he would feel the same way, that he and I would be together, but he just rejected me like I meant nothing to him. I don't want to see or speak to him again. I don't deserve him, and he doesn't deserve me." Kagami said. "Well, aren't you two fencing partners?" Kagami's Mom asked. "Not anymore. And I glad we aren't." Kagami replied. "Either way, we are going to this event whether you like it or not. This is important for the club Gabriel and I are apart of, and we made sure there would be NO problems. Now, get in the car. We don't have all day." Kagami's Mom ordered. "Yes, Mother." Kagami replied. Back at the manor, Adrien is chilling in his room, waiting for the party to start. "Ugh, why do these people have to come invade our home? Today could have been a great day for us. Eating camembert, sleeping, eating camembert, sleeping, and especially, eating camembert." Plagg said. "It is important for the club my Father is the president of. And besides, it will only last a couple of hours, and some of my friends are coming. Only the ones whose parents are apart of this, Chloe, Felix, and Kagami." Adrien replied. "Speaking of which, do you think this is a good time to talk to Kagami?" Plagg asked. "Kagami? Why do I need to talk to her?" Adrien asked back. "Seriously. You know.......the whole breakup thing. Lying to her. That is what I mean." Plagg replied. "Ohhhhh that. I told you I am fine with the breakup, as should Kagami." Adrien said. "Your kidding?" Plagg asked. "What? It just wasn't going to work out because I am Cat Noir." Adrien replied. "That's true, but don't you feel sad about it? You two had some decent moments together. It would make sense for you to fell upset." Plagg asked. "hmmm......No not really." Adrien replied. Plagg is in shock at what Adrien said. "Ok, Adrien. You know love makes me sick, unless it it camembert or stinky sock, but this is totally messed up. I would expect you to show some emotions for losing her." Plagg said. "Sorry, but that is how I feel, Plagg. Now get ready. The guest arrive in just a couple of hours." Adrien replied.

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