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Just like before, I will start with deleting the episodes that I think are not needed for this.  The following are: Furious Fu, Sole Crusher, Queen Banana, Simpleman, Qilin, Ephemeral, Risk, and StrikeBack

I know a lot of people, including myself, love Risk and Strike Back.  However, I want them gone so I can use my Season 4 Finale because it helps me end this arc.  And while some people adore Ephemeral, I have to take it out for love square reasons.  That and it is a terrible ripoff of Cat Blanc.

Next, I will list the episodes, in order, so you know who this is going to work.  Once again, I will have (stay the same), didn't change a thing, (rewrite), I rewrote it or a scene in it, and (original story by me), I wrote myself.  But this time, this is going to be very different.  I am actually going to reorganize the episodes, so they are not in their original order.  I know that sounds weird, but if I don't this, then stuff for the Cat Noir feeling left out arc won't make some rational sense.  So, here is my order for Season 4.

Truth(stay the same)

Lies(stay the same)

Gang of Secrets(stay the same(Another one of my favorites))

Mr. Pigeon 72(rewrite)

Essence 2.0(original story by me)

Psychocomedian(stay the same)

Gabriel Agreste Part 1(rewrite)

Gabriel Agreste Part 2(rewrite)

Mega Leech(stay the same)

Guiltrip(stay the same)

Crocoduel(stay the same)

Pitch Black(original story by me)

Wishmaker(stay the same)

Dearest Family(rewrite)

[Cat Noir feeling left out arc]:

Grandmaster Su Han(original story by me)



Glaciator 2.0(rewrite)



Kuro Neko(rewrite)


Cat Noir's Perfect Payback Part 1(original story by me)

Cat Noir's Perfect Payback Part 2(original story by me)

Once again, pretend the ones I didn't rewrite exist in the story ok.  Now, I need to talk about a lot other things.  Since Zoe will not be in my story, I will not be taking the time to rewrite scenes with her in it.  First of all, in Lies, Chloe was mean to Sabrina for losing her purse.  Pretend that scene doesn't exist ok?  Same case with Guiltrip.  Chloe was mean at the end of the episode, so once again pretend that scene doesn't exist either.  As well as Mega Leech(agreeing with her father), and Wishmaker(insulting Mari at the beginning).  Pretend those scenes don't exist either.  Second of all, all the times Zoe is present, Mega Leech and Crocoduel, pretend she is replaced with Chloe.  Expect for Crocoduel.  Chloe will not be in that episode for reasons.  Just pretend Zoe nor Chloe is in that episode.  Third of all, in Psychocomedian, Marinette mentions a moment from Puppeteer 2.0(the scene where Adrien admits he is in love with someone else).  Once again, pretend that scene doesn't exist either. Fourth of all, at the beginning of Lies, Marinette gets her average simp feelings risen when she sees Adrien on her computer. Well here, pretend she just watches and just shows no love emotions when she sees him. Fifth of all, here are some of the episodes where Jack Edgers is a background character: Truth(at the houseboat), Lies(at the houseboat), Mega Leech(with the class), Guiltrip(with the class in all those scenes), and Crocoduel(on the houseboat).  He will not be in Wishmaker's opening, with his class, for certain reasons.  He will also be in other episodes, but some of those are rewrites or original stories.  Same thing for Chloe.  She will be on the houseboat in Truth, Lies, as well as with her class in Mega Leech and Guiltrip(Sabrina will also be with her class in that episode too). Sixth of all, my finale idea was planned before Risk and Strike Back premiered. I am saving that because one to two similar element from Risk are in Part 1 of my finale. I know all of this can be considered lazy writing, but again it feels unnecessary for me to do something like this.  If that small scene is in an episode I need to rewrite(big scene or otherwise), then I will fix it because I am rewriting it.  Once again, I hope you all will understand.

Now for some IMPORTANT things for Season 4:

. Lila Rossi will be wasted in this rewrite.  It sounds nuts when I said she is my 2nd favorite character, however, her absence will be explained in my Season 5.

. Mari's stalk like behavior will be taken to a lower level this time.

. Some of these stories will be dark, and I MEAN DARK!

. I do recommend you read all of the following stories: Grandmaster Su Han, Optigami, Senti-Bubbler, Glaciator 2.0, Hack San, Rocketear, Kuro Neko, and Penalteam.  These are the episodes for Cat Noir's left out arc, and it is best if you read all these before reading my finale.  Also suggest you read them in order.  It is so you can understand certain stuff ok?

With that being said, please enjoy:

Miraculous Ladybug Season 4: The Collusion of TraumaWhere stories live. Discover now