31. Father's anger

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So that's why I let him go and if he truly is mine and my true love he will come back to me and if not than he was never mine to begin with. Time heals everything!

"Amanda asked for you" Ma said.

"She did?" I asked still in thoughts.

"She said you didn't met her since three days" she said.

"I will visit her today" I said and put the herbs in the jar that I was grinding. I felt her coming towards me and then she held me hand. I looked at her confused.

"Are you alright, child?" She asked softly and I wanted to cry so badly but I controlled my self and stepped away from her putting the jar in its place, I turned away from her

"I am alright Ma, stop worrying" I sighed and she hummed.

"You know I am always there for you" she said and I turned towards her. I embraced her and whispered.

"I know Ma, I know! And I feel very blessed to have you. You are a mother that I never had"

"You are my child, Flora. I know when you are sad and when you are happy" she said and I smiled at her.

"Is that so?" I teased her and she smiled back.

"Mother's heart never lie" she said.

"I also know my son is not alright but he is too stubborn to even admit that he is not alright just like you" she complained and scolded both of us.

I went back to the cottage and at door I found Achilles he was entering inside when I came. He opened the door for me and I stepped inside not gazing at him. I removed my cloak and hanged it on the hook as he did the same. He gazed at the black cloak that he gave to me. I looked at it and then I saw Aria sitting on the couch playing with Peter. I called her, I felt him stepping away from me perhaps going towards his office.

"You liked this cloak, right?" I said to her and she nods excitedly. From the corner of my eye I saw him stop.

"You can have it" I said giving her that black cloak then I heard a loud bang of the door as he went inside shutting the door loudly behind him in anger. I sighed as I saw Aria's face covered in fear.

"It's too long for me" she said after overcoming her fear.

"Uhmm yes you are right, fine then I will make you a new one" I said and clutched the cloak in my hand. I went towards my room with it still in my hand. I was stupid to give it to her, that's the only thing he ever gave to me and I was throwing it away. I kept it in my almirah.

Next day at breakfast when I came down he was also sitting on the chair, I thought not to have breakfast and head towards the main door.

"Flora Williams if you take one step out of this door without having your breakfast, I will not talk to you" my father scolded and I closed my eyes for a moment then turned back and sat down on my chair.

"What is with you skipping breakfast these days, huh?" He asked me and I just shook my head.

"Nothing I wasn't hungry and..." I said.

"Bullshit.." He said and glared at me.

"Father.." I groaned.

"If I ever see you again leaving without having your breakfast, it won't be good for you. Understood?" He scolded lightly and i nodded.

"Alright" I huffed.

"Watch your attitude lady" he scolded once again and I straighten. What happened to him? He never scold me that much. I looked at him and he was looking at me

"Father, why are you so angry?" I asked.

"I am not angry" he said a little angry. I gave him a look and he sighed.

"I am not angry, I am just upset with you" he said, now everyone's attention was on us.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because my little girl is ignoring me from few days" he complained and I wanted to laugh at his cuteness.

"She is ignoring me too" Peter chimed in and pouted at me.

"Me too" it was Achilles but the voice was so low that only I can hear as he was sitting close to me. I ignored him.

"No I am not, I was just busy and.. I am sorry father and Peter if you feel like so" I genuinely apologised to them. I also want to apologise to him but I won't more like I couldn't.

"It's alright but don't do that again" Father said and I nodded with a smile.

I looked at Achilles, his eyes were on me and he has so many questions which I don't know the answer to.

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